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Bradley sat on the couch with his best friend as they watched her favorite thing. It was their off day, and they had chosen to spend it together after the events from the day before.

Tate leans over grabs her water from the table and takes a sip before leaning back on the couch.

The pair hadn't at all talked about what happened yesterday. Bradley didn't want to bring it up, knowing she had cried about it.

And she didn't want to talk about it, knowing she'd cry again. Her father hadn't called to talk to her about it, but she knew at some point he would.

"Who do you think she's gonna choose?" Bradley asks referring to the show they were watching. Tate smirks as she looks at him. "I hope it's anyone but that two-timing jerk, Alex," Bradley laughs as he looks back at her.

The two look back at the tv, not saying anything to one another.

They really hadn't said much at all after yesterday. Not only because they both didn't want to talk about yesterday, but because they didn't know what to say at all to each other. It felt awkward between them. And it's never awkward.

Tate gets up off of the couch and walks to the fridge. Bradley looks over his shoulder at her and asks her to bring him back a water bottle.

She pulls out the bowl of watermelon that Bradley had oh so graciously bought for her. You know, to replace the one he ate?

She returns to the couch, handing him his water, and she sits next to him with the watermelon in her lap. Bradley looks over at her as she opens the lid.

Tate looks up at him smiling as she rolls her eyes, setting the lid on the coffee table.

Tate grabs a piece from the bowl and holds it up for him. Bradley eats the piece from her hand.

"Ugh Brad, your whiskers," She teases as she wipes her hand on her black work out shorts.

"Oh you know you love it," He says as he leans over, grabbing her face and rubbing his face on hers, making sure his mustache tickles her face.

Tate laughs as she grips the bowl, and uses her hands to push her best friend off her. As soon as she does so, her front door opens. The two on the couch turn to look at Javy and Natasha walking in.

"You know Tate, you should really lock this door, what if Nat and I were murders?" Javy asks jokingly as he closes and locks the door behind the pair walking in.

"I knew you guys were coming over so I left it unlocked," She says as she looks back at the tv, turning it off.

"How? I didn't say anything about coming over today," Natasha says opening Tate's fridge and grabbing a beer from inside.

"Because we know you'd stop by because of yesterday," Bradley answers as he turns to look at the two standing in his best friend's kitchen.

"Oh yeah, can we talk about that?" Javy asks as he takes the cap off of his beer. "No." Bradley and Tate both say in a harsh unison tone. Javy throws his hands up as he looks at Natasha.

"So can we not speak on Bagman either?" Natasha asks as she sips her beer.

Tate shakes her head as she holds up another piece of watermelon, which Bradley eats from her hand again.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now