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"Hey, uhm... Maverick wants us all down on the beach," Those were the first words Bradley had said to her since they argued. Tate opened her front door to see him standing there in his jorts and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, showing off his abs. "The beach?"

Bradley nods. "I have no idea why. Brigs told me that when he went by the room to see if we had a lecture, no one was there but Hondo. Hondo told him to meet Maverick on the beach, right outside the Hard Deck,"

Tate furrows her eyebrows confused as she looks at the man. Bradley stands there awkwardly as she looks at her through his aviators.

"Alright, I'll meet you guys down there then," She says as she begins to close the door. Bradley puts his hand on the door, pushing it open.

"Do you want to ride with me?"

Tate looks at him. Bradley purses his lips and looks down at the doormat after they locked eyes. "I just don't want you walking there,"

Tate smiles at him as she opens the door a bit wider. "Sure, did you want to come in while I change?" Bradley nods as he looks at her.

Her smile made him smile back at her.

As he entered the beach house, he closes the door behind him. Tate goes off to her room to change as he stood in the kitchen.

He looks around at the familiar kitchen, all the memories also flooding his mind as it did hers when she first stepped foot back into her old residence.

"There's watermelon in the fridge!" she calls out from her room.

Bradley smiles as he opens the fridge to see a full bowl of watermelon sitting on the middle shelf. As he pulls the bowl out, Tate comes out of her room holding up two bikini bottoms.

"Black? Or Green?" She asks holding both bikini bottoms up for him to see. Bradley chews on a piece of watermelon, slurping the juice that was escaping the corners of his mouth.

"What top?" he asks with his mouth full. Tate then returns to her room as he finishes the piece that is in his mouth.

He was happy that they were getting along again, but he hadn't apologized just yet. Bradley was still taking Lucia's advice on giving the woman space, but he missed his best friend.

After the dispute that happened between him and Jake a few days ago, Bradley had shut himself out from everyone.

Tate had gone by his beach house with Javy that same day. She tried to get him to open the door to talk to her.

She went as far as jumping his fence and standing at his back door, pounding on it. But he never answered, he just sat in his room with the door closed as he played his music full blast.

He wasn't mad at her for the interaction he had with Jake. He wasn't mad at her at all anymore. After talking to Lucia, he realized that he was in the wrong and that he did need to apologize to his friend.

But he just didn't know how to exactly put it into words for her.

So here he was right now, eating her watermelon while he helped her pick out something to wear for the beach.

"A black long-sleeve?" He asks her confused as he grabs another piece of watermelon. Tate shrugs as she holds it up.

"It's a compression shirt, I won't die of heat in it,"

Bradley knew why she was wearing it. He wasn't going to talk her out of it or even try to tell her that no matter what, she was still beautiful with her scars.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now