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"Goodmorning Aviators!" Admiral Cyclone's voice rang through the hanger where the aviators were standing, at attention.

"I want to first start by welcoming you to Fighter Weapons School. Or as it's been called. Top Gun," The Admiral begins as he paces back and forth in front of the aviators with his hands behind his back, holding a folded slip of paper.

"You are all the finest, which is why you are in this program, to begin with. And with that being said, only one of you will graduate top of the class with your name on the plaque,"

Tate remained at attention as she ran over what the Admiral had just said. Back when her dad was in the program, it was two pilots.

She had understood that a lot about the program had altered, but she had no idea that the top ranking was also one of them. This makes her plan crash and burn right before her eyes.   

Admiral Cyclone stops in front of Tate and looks at her. "Lieutenant Kazansky, question?" He asks as he looks at her, still at attention.

"Yes sir," She answers.

"Out with it Lieutenant,"

She clears her throat before speaking, also making sure she chooses her next choices wisely.

"Sir, you stated, only one. When my father went through the program it was the RIO and their WSO that got rewarded with their name, sir," She says with her chest.

Bradley side-eyes her from where he stands. He knows she wants to be on the plaque just like her father.

Just like her, he wants to be on the plaque, but for his father.

No matter what happens and which of the pair is rewarded the plaque, they'll both be happy for each other.

But as his WSO, she assumed this was the way for the both of them to get on the plaque with no hard feelings.

"Yes, as many of you may remember, the Lieutenants before you were chosen in pairs. But with the demand for single pilots in this academy, it has gone down to one," Admiral Cyclone looks at both Tate and Bradley as their breath hitches with anxiety.

"With that also being said, a handful of pairs will be split up into single pilots,"

Besides getting their names on the plaque as a pair, being a team was something they also had their hearts set on when they put their applications in.

They had requested to ride in a dual plane. Bradley as the driver, and Tate as his WSO.

The thought of them being split up before they even get the chance to fly together is something they had desired wouldn't happen.

And now, it looks like it is a possibility.

"Lieutenant Kazansky?" The Admiral asks as he looks back at her. "Sir," Her chest was high and her posture straightforward.

"I presume you want to make your father proud. To graduate top of your class and get your spot on the plaque. Possibly not too far down from his?" He asks her.

Of course, that's what she wanted. To make her dad even more proud. To shove this accomplishment in Maverick's arrogant face. Another Kazansky on the Top Gun plaque.

"That would be correct, sir," She answers. Admiral Cyclone nods as he moves his gaze over to her best friend.

"Lieutenant Bradshaw? I also presume you would want to make your father proud. To be the first Bradshaw on the plaque?" He asks as he steps in front of Bradley's line of site.

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