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Bradley sat back in his cockpit as he watched Tate in the air with their Admirals. She, Phoenix, and Brigham were a part of a new exercise demonstration. He sat in his aircraft with his helmet on as he listed to everyone talking to one another in the air.

"Hey Rooster," Jake calls to him over the headset. Bradley could practically hear the smirk behind his voice.

"What is it, Hangman?" He asks the man annoyed. "Just wanted to say good luck," Bradley frowns as he looks in Jake's direction.

They can't see each other but they're nothing looking at each other.

"Looks kinda hard, not sure if you'll be able to keep up," Bradley rolls his eyes as he sits back. "Not sure you'll be able to either,"

The two men continued to butt heads over the time since Jake had last apologized to Bradley. And for the sake of Tate, Jake had eased up on the sarcastic jokes towards Bradley.

But that didn't stop him entirely from making jokes about the man.

Tate knew that there wasn't much she could do about the two men bickering. She felt like if she said something to Jake about how he talked to Bradley, Jake would be upset with her. But she also felt like if she didn't, Bradley would be upset with her.

There was no win-win situation here for her. All she could do was either pretend like she didn't hear it, or tease Jake in return for her friend.

Tate lands her aircraft with the others and they all exit.

"Everyone else, I hope you were paying attention because you're next. Up in the air,"

Bradley and Jake sigh as they put their helmets on and head towards the taxiway, taking off into the air with the other aviators.

Tate holds her helmet under her arm as she beings to walk into the hangar. When she enters, Brigham puts his hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

She turns and smiles "Hey Brigs," She says to him. "Hey, I just wanted to ask how things between you and Hangman going. Anything interesting? Has he done anything wrong yet?"

Tate laughs as the two walk deeper into the hangar. "No he hasn't done anything wrong," She says as she looks up at the man. "Well, tell me, anything?" He asks her. Tate stops and looks at the man confused.

"Why are you so intrigued about it?"

"I just want to know you guys are doing since you're keeping it a secret,"

Tate purses her lips as she looks around, making sure that no one else was around to hear them.

"Things have been good. He spends a lot of time at my house when you guys aren't around. He always wants to lay on my lap and sleep whenever we're on the couch,"

Brigham smiles at her last words. "Sounds like he's actually changed," Tate shrugs as she smiles.

"I'm glad that you're getting along, it's helped Javy and me tremendously,"

"What do you mean?" Tate asks confused as she looks at the man next to her. He shrugs as he puts his hands in his flight suit pockets.

"We don't have to be secretive about hanging out with you guys or just hanging out without Jake. It feels less guilty,"

Tate understood exactly what he meant. She knew how guilt felt.

Tate had an issue with letting guilt eat her alive. She always somehow found a way to feel guilty about any little thing. It didn't matter what. She would just feel guilty.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now