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It had felt like it had been decades since the pair were in North Island. It was as if they were visiting their old middle school. They had so much excitement in them as they crossed the city limits into North Island.

Tate smiled as she took a deep breath in, breathing in the salty wind from the beach. Virginia Beach and the Kazansky home will always be home to her, But North Island is where her heart is.

She felt like she belonged there.

"This time I wasn't able to get us beach houses right next door like I did last year, but I was able to get us two in the same neighborhood. There's another pilot and his wife staying in one with one of their friends, I think we might live between them,"

Once again their father was able to set them up with housing off-base. Which was always greatly appreciated.

Bradley had suggested that they get separate houses like they did about 3 years ago. Mostly because Bradley had a feeling Tate was going to fall head over heels for another pilot this time around.

Sure they only had a month here, but Bradley knew how she would be.

Bradley stops in front of Tate's beach house and they both get out. He helps her grab the few bags she had brought and walks them up to the front door.

When she opened the lockbox to retrieve the key, she thought about how familiar it looked.

It didn't dawn on her until she opened the front door when she realized that it was the same one she was in 3 years ago when they first came to North Island.

Her mouth drops slightly as she looks around the homely beach house. Bradley had left now down the block to his own beach house, leaving Tate.

She brings her bags in and sets them all down in her room so that she would occupy the time that she was there.

As she walked around the beach house she was reminded of all the memories from years ago. She looked at the kitchen, reminiscing on the times when she and the trio would raid her fridge and drink all her beers.

Also where she and Jake first kissed.

Tate walks into the living room and runs her hands over the couch. This was where they would all sit and drink beers, sharing childhood stories and jokes.

It was where she and Jake spent most of their time together.

"Hey," Bradley says appearing in the doorway. Tate turns and looks at the man.

Bradley was dressed in his Hawaiian shirt that he was gifted by their father for his birthday.

Tate on the other hand wore a mid-sleeve length dress.

After her accident, Tate was embarrassed by her arm. It was something she wanted to hide from everyone.

To hide her scarred arm, she turned to wear long sleeves and sweaters. But due to the fact that it was mid-April, she settled for sleeves that came down her arms, right under her elbows.

"Wanna go see Penny?" he asks her with a smile on his face. Tate instantly smiled back at him, heading out the front door.

"You read my mind," She says with a huge smile on her face. Bradley closes her front door before getting in the Bronco and heading to the Hard Deck.

The drive to the bar was a lot shorter than they remembered. Or maybe it was the excitement they had now being back in North Island.

They pull up to the Hard Deck, instantly jumping out and slamming the doors closed. Bradley headed to the front door while Tate raced behind him.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now