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The drive from North Island to the Kazansky home was possibly one of the quietest rides the pair had taken. There wasn't anything either of them could say. Their father was just in the hospital, and he's now on strict orders to rest.

They have no idea what is wrong with the older man, but whatever it is, they know it wasn't the best. Their mother didn't say much to Bradley over the phone when she had called him.

All she told him was that they needed to come back as soon as they can because something happened to Tom, and they were getting home from the hospital, but the kids needed to come quickly.

The Admirals had been informed before the pair had, just to give the two a heads up that two of their pilots were not going to be missing for the next few days.

Tate on the other hand had no idea how bad her father could be. She honestly wasn't sure she would want to go back to North Island if he was in such bad condition.

Her father was her rock. Bradley of course was too, but before their friendship grew, her dad was there for her first.

He pushed her, cheered for her, and he showed her what it's like to have a support system.

She had no idea what she would do without him. Bradley too. He was the only father figure he had left.

His dad passed on, Maverick was AWOL, and now Tom is hospitalized.

Honestly, they both had no idea what they would do if something life-threatening had happened.

Tate and Bradley pull into the Kazansky driveway. Bradley turns the car off and the two jump out of the car.

They leave everything in the Bronco, racing up the driveway and up the steps of the patio.

Bradley fumbles with his keys before finding the right one and unlocking the door.

"Mom!?" Tate calls out as she pushes past Bradley, entering the Kazansky house. "Mom!?" she calls out once again.

Sarah pops her head out from around the wall blocking off the living room. She looks relieved as she sees the two friends standing. Sarah walks up to them, bringing them both in for a hug.

"I'm glad you guys made it here safe, I was so worried that you guy would be in such a hurry that something would have happened,"

Sarah pulls away from the two smiling at each of them.

"Where is he?" Bradley asks. Sarah purses her lips as she looks at them. Tate grows anxious waiting for her response.

She pushes past her mother, not wanting to wait any longer.

Tate makes her way up the three steps and through the hallway, down to her parent's room. Bradley is right on her tail.

She hovers her hand over the door knob before opening it.

Tate was scared of what she might find when she opened the door.

What if she wasn't ready to come to terms with what the two were about to witness?

The door opens to present Tom sitting in bed, watching tv with the covers pulled far up to his lap with a glass of water net to him.

Bradley and Tate sigh with relief as they enter the room. Tate's eyes well up with tears as she walks to her dad's bedside. He smiles at the sight of the two walking toward him.

"Hey dad," Tate says softly as she sits on the edge of his bed. Bradley sits on the other side, smiling at the man. Tom sighs as he looks back and forth between the two.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now