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Tate stands as she hears a knock on her front door. She knew it wasn't Bradley considering that he was at the Hard Deck with Javy and Nat. Tate frowns as she walks to the door, crossing her cardigan around her, and closing it like a sweater.

She opens the door to see Jake standing there with a bag in his hand. She frowns with a smile as she looks at him.

"What are you doing here?" She asks as she leans against the doorframe. Jake smiles at her as he holds the bag up.

"Considering that it's raining, and they're all at the Hard Deck and you're not, I figured that you would want some snacks to go with your movie binge-ing"

Tate giggles at the man. "I'm reading actually, I read on rainy days," Jake laughs at her words. She pushes her weight off the door frame and opens the door further for him.

He takes it as his sign and enters the beach house.

Jake puts the bag on the counter as Tate walks back over to the couch and picks up her book from earlier. "So I got you a variety of snacks," Jake begins as he takes them all out of the bag, setting each on the counter.

"You mean you got us, a variety of snacks?" She teases as she looks over at him from the couch. Jake smiles as he balls up the bag and throws it in her trash.

"Maybe I did," He says grabbing two teas and a bag of chips before joining her on the couch.

"Tell me about what you're reading,"

Jake plops down on the couch, Tate bouncing slightly at the weight being dropped onto the couch.

Tate smiles as she looks at the man. He hands her tea to her and she places her book down to grab it from him.

"You wouldn't be interested in it," she says cracking open the lid and taking the first sip of her tea.

Jake rolls his eyes and sets his tea on the side table next to the couch. "Darlin', tell me about it,"

Tate sits back, grabs her book, and looks over at him.


She smiles, rolls her eyes, and sighs before looking at her book. Tate settles into her couch as she flips back to the page she is on. Jake smiles at her as she begins to speak.

"It's about Persephone and Hades. Mythology," She says not taking her eyes off of her book. "What about them?" He asks her.

"It's just a love story about how they met and they fell in love with each other. Nothing dramatic," Jake sighs as he looks at the woman.

She had not lifted her eyes off of her book the entire time they were talking about it.

He watches as she continues to read her book, not at all continuing what she was saying.

Jake crawls over to the woman and lays on his back. He shimmies his way up towards her lap and he rests his head on her thigh.

Tate looks down at the man who was now looking up at her smiling.

"Whatcha doin' cowboy?" She asks as she raises the book to get a better look at him. "Waiting for you to read to me," He teases.

Tate smirks as she raises one eyebrow at him. Jake continues to look at her hopeful as he waits for her to answer or to read to him.

Whichever she preferred. He didn't care as long as he got to hear her voice.

"I can't even enjoy her teasing because I'm too busy reeling at her casual statement.
'I'm with you, and we both know you won't let anything happen to me.'
As if it's a truth.
It is.
I would commit unforgivable acts to keep Persephone safe. But somehow hearing her say it aloud makes it so much more real.
She trusts me."

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now