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Tate sat in her aircraft, right between both of the Admirals, as her team and the other team went up against each other, practicing dog fighting. She listened in and wrote down her notes on what she heard from the two teams' banter. What they did wrong and what they did right.

"Oh c'mon Rooster, you gotta at least attempt and shoot them down," Jake said via the headset, which was heard through Tate's as she had hers on, observing everyone in the air.

"Listen, Hangman, I'm not trying to leave my team behind or run into the other pilots," Bradley spits back into the headset with aggression in his voice.

Tate rolls her eyes as she writes down her notes on the words that came out of the two.

"What are ya?" Jake begins to tease as he looks over at Bradley.


Bradley looks at Jake with rage in his eyes. "If anyone's chicken here it's you. Can't even own up to what you said to Ghost. And you won't own up to the fact that your only true friend is Coyote, who's been leaving you behind to hang out with the one person who loathes you the most,"

Tate's eyes go wide at the man's words. Jake doesn't respond. Instead, she watches as his aircraft quickly turns around and he heads towards the three on the tarmac.

"Lieutenant, what are you doing?" Admiral Warlock asks baffled as the man lands, and pushes his throttle to drive the jet back to his assigned spot.

Which happened to be right in front of Tate's.

"Lieutenant Seresin, what is going on?" The Admiral asks once again. Jake ignores the two as he turns off his jet, causing the deafening noise and excessive amount of wind to stop.

Jake detaches his mask from his helmet, and takes off his helmet, revealing the man's messy hair.

"Seresin, 50 push-ups now," Admiral Cyclone says fed up.

It's like he's dealing with high school children who can't comprehend to get along, move on from one another, and just get over their drama.

"Lieutenant Bradshaw also on the tarmac, you will be joining Seresin in these push-ups,"

Tate can practically hear Bradley roll his eyes as she watches his aircraft head away from the pack of aviators in the air, and back to the landing strip.

Tate looks over at her Admiral and he looks at her puzzled. "Lieutenant Kazansky, do you care to explain why the two are arguing in the air?"

She shrugs and shakes her head as she watches Bradley drive his jet to its place, 4 spots away from Jake and Tate's. The woman looks back at Jake who is already doing his push-ups.

Jake had unzipped his flight suit partially, tying the sleeves around him to display his black undershirt. His muscles glisten with sweat and flexing as he pushes himself down to the ground, then back up.

Jake stares steadily ahead as he goes up then down.

Up then down.

Up then down.

He feels a pair of eyes on him as he does his punishment. The man's eyes look up and lock with Tate's. Her heart-shaped frames block out her eyes as she watches him steadily. He spits before his gaze goes back to where it was before.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now