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Brigham grabs Tate by her bicep, pulling her away from Natasha as they enter the hangar to wait for their admirals. Everyone had nursed their hangovers and enjoyed their final day off as they all lay in bed or on couches recovering.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" He says as he looks at her. Tate frowns confused at the man.

"Yeah always, what's up?" Brigham looks around to make sure no one else around would hear him. He looks back at Tate and lets go of her bicep.

"The other day, I was running back from the water and I was headed to Bradley's house with him and the others,"

He looks around again and leans closer to Tate and lowers his voice

"I passed by your back door and saw you and Hangman in a full-on makeout session,"

Tate steps back and looks at him shocked.

She had no idea anyone had seen them. And she had no idea that Bradley could have seen them.

"Look, I haven't told anyone, and I don't plan on it. The two of you clearly haven't said anything for a reason and I'm going to respect that. But I also wanted to tell you, if you're going to keep it a secret. Be more careful,"

Tate smiles as she looks at him "Awe Brigs," she says as she puts her hand on his bicep "Thank you. For not telling anyone else and telling me. It means a lot,"

He smiles down at her and nods. "Anytime. And if you ever need someone to talk to about Bagman, I'm here for you,"

Tate hugs the man before they both go their separate ways into the hangar. She stands between Bradley and Javy as they wait for their Admirals entered the hangar.

Tate honestly had no idea anyone had seen them. And she's glad that it was Brigham who had caught them and not Bradley.

If it was Bradley, she would never hear the end of it, and it most likely would cause more issues between Jake and him.

She wondered if she should tell Jake about them being caught. But would that possibly make him change his mind and want to end what they have? Or maybe make it public for everyone else in the program to know?

Tate wasn't sure what to do

"Welcome back Aviators!" Admiral Warlock calls as he smiles at everyone in front of him. "I hope you enjoyed that week off, because with graduation only one month away, we will be focusing on the harder stuff,"

"That means faster maneuvers, faster flying, lower hard decks, roofs, anything we've taught you in the last two months. Just more strategic," Admiral Cyclone says as he crosses his arms.

Faster. Lower. Strategic.

All these words made Tate's body want to dance with anticipation. She was ready for faster flying.

Being away from her jet for a week felt like she had been gone for a year. She was ready to get in the air, and she wanted to be in the air right now.

"With that being said, get in your teams, everyone on the tarmac. We got some dog fighting to do," The two Admirals break from the aviators and exit the hangar.

Bradley and Tate look over at each other and smile. "Ready to be back in the air Kazansky?" He asks her as he lowers his aviators.

"I'm always ready, Bradshaw," She says as she lowers her heart-shaped glasses. The two head out of the hangar and to the tarmac. Splitting up and going to their respective aircraft.

Tate smiles at the sight of hers.

"Lt. Tatum "Ghost" Kazansky"

She runs her hands over the lettering and smiles. "Miss me?" she says softly as she begins to walk over to her wing to jump in.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now