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Bradley and Tate look at each other as they stand outside a huge white building. Today is the day. The day everyone here had been looking forward to. They were ready. The duo nod as they straighten their white suit jackets before entering the building.

As soon as they do, they are welcomed by buzzing voices from their fellow aviators in white uniforms.

Tate and her father had always liked the white uniforms the best. They both believed it made them all look very distinguished. Bradley hated all their uniforms.

But then again the man loved to wear jorts and Hawaiian shirts. He practically lived in them.

These uniforms were uncomfortable, and don't get him started on the flight suits.

The two of them look around as they see everyone around them sitting in white chairs, talking to one another.

They find two empty chairs on the left of the aisle way and make their way to them.

As they sit, Tate makes eye contact with Javy and Brigham who both wave excitedly at her. She smiles widely as she waves back at the two men.

When she does so, Jake looks over his shoulder at the two men, then follows their gaze to her.

The two ex-lovers make eye contact and can feel the tension. Tate's smile slowly fades as she lowers her hand. Javy looks at Jake who was sitting next to him and notice that the two had locked eyes.

Javy grabs Jake's shoulder and turns him around to face the front. Bradley grabs Tate's hand and she looks at him. He's smiling at her, his mustache blocking his lip.

"Ready for this Kazansky?" He asks her with an excited tone in his voice. She smiles at her best friend as she looks in front of her.

"I'm always ready Bradshaw,"

As if it were on cue, Admiral Cyclone and Admiral Warlock enter the small stage, tapping the mic on the stage.

The tapping causes the mic feedback to squeal slightly as everyone's conversations stop and their full attention is now on the Admirals in front of them.

"Well, good afternoon aviators. Seems as if this is the last time I will be saying that to this group. It's pulling at my heart strings a little bit,"

It was bittersweet.

Oh how Tate would miss her two Admirals. She had grown as a pilot with them, they brought out her full potential, and here she was saying her goodbye to them one last time.

"It brings me great joy to announce you as the next Top Gun graduating class. It was an honor to work with all of you. To listen to the teamwork over the headsets and the bickering of course," Warlock says with a smile.

There are some scattered chuckles throughout the aviators at his words as both Admirals smile.

"With all of that being said, each of you did an amazing job these last four months. So much improvement as well, I can say wholeheartedly that you will all be better pilots than the ones back at your squadrons,"

Tate looks up at Bradley and they both smile at one another as she grabs his hand.

"Now, to move on with our graduation, you are all going to be awarded another medal. You may come up to the stage, we will place the medal and you may take your seat. After every aviator has been awarded, we will move on to our top graduate,"

Tate takes a deep breath as Admiral Cyclone begins to call out names in alphabetical order.

She bounces her leg anxiously as she watches aviators one by one get up from their seats, approach the Admirals, get their medals pinned to their jackets, shake hands and return to their seats.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now