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The two girls get into Javy's car as he has the music blaring. "Trying to burst our eardrums before we even get to the club!?" Natasha yells over the music as she sits in the passenger seat.

"It's not that loud Nat," He says as he turns the music down and looks over that the two women who were fastening their seat belts.

"Holy shit Tate, you look smokin'," Javy says looking over at the woman in the back seat.

"You think so? Are you sure I didn't overdress? I feel like I did," She says nervously as she looks down at her dress.

"A skin-tight black dress? Showing off cleavage? No, not overdoing it," Natasha teases. Javy slaps her arm

"You look great Tate," Javy says before he turns back to look at the road in front of him.

The three take off from Tate's house, Bradley taking off right behind them. Tate settles into the back seat for the two hours journey ahead of them.

It wasn't long until Brigham and Jake had shown up. Bradley drove on the left of Javy while Brigham drove on his right. Jake trailing in the same lane behind him.

The rain had subsided, but the roads were still slightly wet. The sky was dark, and the air was cool as everyone had their windows down.

"All of the lights!"

The song blared through Javy's speakers. Tate looked at the man driving with her mouth open.

"Holy shit! I love this song!" She yells as she takes her seat belt off, leans over the center console, and turns the song up louder. The two in the font look at her and smile as she sits back closing her eyes

"Turn up the lights in here baby! Extra bright I want y'all to see this," Tate sang as she threw her head back.

Javy looked at the woman in his rearview mirror as she continued to sing to the song. Eyes closed screaming every lyric that was appropriate for her to sing.

Natasha then joins in with her, turning around as they both sing to each other. Javy smiles at the two who are giving him a private concert in his car.

He rolls down all four of his windows, the wind rushing in, blowing the two woman's hair everywhere.

Jake drives behind them, watching the two womens silhouettes dance and flow to the rhythm of the music they were listening to.

He pauses his music and rolls down his two windows to get a better listen to what they were playing.

Brigham looks over at the car next to him and smiles at everyone in Javy's car. The three belted out the lyrics with one another as they continued on ahead towards the next city.

Bradley smiled as he looked at them and then back at the road. It was nice to see Tate again after being apart for the week.

Of course, he and his best friend were living next door to each other but he had chosen to keep his space with her.

She had been acting a bit distant with him. He didn't know if it had to do with her not feeling too well due to her cramps or if it was because she had just wanted to have time to herself.

Seeing her having fun with their other friends in the car next to him was relieving. He missed her and he missed seeing her being the life of the party.

Tate had always been the life of the party. Very likable, loveable, and overall just a great person to be around. That's something Jake had liked about her.

He liked a lot about her. The way her face scrunched up when she would laugh too hard.

Her smile when she was listening to a story that was interesting. The way her eyes looked in the moonlight, in the sunlight, just in general.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now