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"Attention on deck!"

All the aviators stand as their two Admirals approach them all.

"Morning," Admiral Warlock says as he approaches the podium that was placed in front of the aviators. "Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated,"

All of them sit back down at their Admirals orders.

Warlock introduces himself to the group. A few, were familiar with who he was, while others had not met that man until this very moment.

Bradley sits there, listening to their Admiral, wondering where the hell his best friend was at.

He and Tate had both come to the base together and even got out of the Bronco at the same time. But when he entered the hangar, she disappeared.

But before she had, Tate handed him a key chain.

It was of a little ghost that lit up when you pressed a small button on the bottom of it. Bradley smiled at the thing.

He knew Tate wasn't going to be able to fly, but he could always fly with her with the key chain.

And that meant everything to him.

So he sat there, listening to the Admiral wondering where the hell Tate was.

Jake was wondering that same thing.

He had seen the aburn-haired woman, wondering what she was doing back at Top Gun if she was injured.

The admiral goes on, telling them that they are all the best of the best. The elite. The most talented and skillful group.

Jake smirks as he puts his toothpick in his mouth.

He had a habit of chewing on one when he was nervous.

It had been years since he puts one in his mouth. The last time he had ever chewed on one was when he met Tate for the first time.

Javy sat in the far back of the group, right in front of Brigham.

Javy didn't bother to sit by any of his fellow pilots. He knew this mission was important, and he knew this is where he needed to pay attention. Javy didn't want to be distracted.

Bradley had the same idea, but he had left his seat open in case Tate had appeared suddenly.

"The enemy's fifth-generation fight has leveled the playing field. Details are few but you can be sure, we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box,"

Jake smirks as he looks over at Natasha.

She catches his gaze and subtly flips him off as she pays attention to the Admiral.

Bob had noticed right off the bat that the two clearly didn't get along. The tension around them was always at an alarming rate.

He had assumed that it was only because Jake was an asshole who didn't know when to shut up.

But the truth was that, now, Natasha hated his guts more than she did when they first met.

All because of Tate.

Tate stood at the entry of the hangar behind all the aviators that were seated. She leaned against the doorway, smiling, as her Admiral talked about the mission.

It was nice to be back. She was so grateful that Admiral Cyclone had called her, offering her the spot to be an instructor back at her old stomping grounds.

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