~Chapter One~

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Andi's P.O.V.


Huh? Is it morning already?


I turn around and check the time and its 7:45am. Good thing I woke up early....wait...oh no.... 7:45am!!! oh no im gonna be late the meeting gonna start in 15 mins! I got up and took a shower kinda like 3 mins and technically I dont have time to fix my hair and eat some breakfast. I rush to my apartment door and run as fast as I can to the hotel.

Oh, pardon me. Sorry I haven't introduce myself. My name is Andrea Williams, well you can call me Andi in short. Im 24 yrs old and I work as a maid in Hotel Tres Spades. Well I have 3 sisters and were "Quadruplets" yeah and I'm the third sister. Also we have a brother too. And well I have other nicknames to my frenemies they call me Queen of the Jerks, Ms.Idiot, and Ms.Pigie (im not fat) but im not affected to their bullying or whatever.

In the middle if the road a luxurious car honks at me. I jumped a little and fell to the ground.

"Hey! Get out of the way!" What? I stood up and saw a good looking man. He wears a black suit, his hair colored black, and....wait this is no time for daydreaming. Come on Andi wake up face the reality not imaginations.

"What are you just gonna stand there and daydream?! You idiot are you gonna kill yourself?" he said with a harsh voice. "Im so sorry I-" "Can you just walk along and leave you're in the way!" He said. I started to walk and he said "Thank you!"

("Why you gonna be so rude... dont you know im human too..")

RUDE!! im never gonna hang out with that guy! Oh yeah the meeting.... now I am late :(.

•At the meeting•

I open the door and the other employees were looking at me and the manager too.

"Andi what happen to you? And your clothes were cover in mud. Did something happen?" The manager ask me and he looks worried too. "Oh...im fine sir...I was just walking on the road and I kinda well you know..." "what?" The manager look suspicious. "Looks like you almost kill yourself Williams! By a car isn't what an Idiot not looking at the road again!" Erika yelled and the other employies were laughing at me except chisato and sakiko. "Okay everyone lets begin the meeting" the manager said to the employees and the meeting starts.


Finally the meeting is over.I went to the locker room with the others. And finally i change into my unform and i fixed my hair. I closed my lpcker and saw Erika. "Hey Andi! By the way you're in charge in the guest rooms. Oh and also the gifts from the guest were at the basement will you get it for me?" she said. "oh sure after I clean the guest rooms" "No....just do what I say! just go get it!" I just nod with a smile and left the locker room. Well I think I should get the gifts for the guest in the basement. I start to walk and i heard sakiko calling me from behind.

"Andi!" i turn around and sakiko was breathing hard. "Hey you okay?" I ask. she looked up and smiles widely "you'll never gonna believe it!! i just saw the king!! Mr.Ichinomiya is here!" "what where?" I look aroubd and saw a lot of women surrounding him.......wait is that the guy I saw earlier at the road who yelled at me? I walk closer to check if he is the guy from earlier.....
Oh my Gosh He is the guy from earlier!! I think I should turn around and walk off. When im about to walk a group of women run towards me. And im about to fall. I close my eyes to feel a slight pain from the ground....but i didnt feel anything.....i feel like someone is hugging me....i open my eyes and I just saw myself that the guy i met earlier was hugging me. He looked at me kinda like he saw this woman i while ago And then he's eyes got wide and he lets go of me and I fell to the ground. He just walk along with the group of women and never look back.

I just stared at him...... I never knew that this guy is Eisuke Ichinomiya I thought he was kind....but his actions were cold. i was remain sitting on the floor when I heard a soft clack coming.

"Are you okay Cinderella?" I looked up and saw no other than Ota Kisaki they call him the "Angelic Artist".....oh god...his hair is so awesome I wish my hair is colored gold....wait....Andi daydreaming again.....

I nod my head and he help me stood up. "I never knew that I met a cute maid like you" he said with a kind smile "oh thank you and....I should go now" "oh are you sure you're okay?" "yeah im sure thanks" I start to walk and head to the locker room again.

I open the door and Chisato was there. "Oh Andi are you okay I saw you with Mr.Ichinomiya at the lobby." "oh yeah.i just bumped into him thats all." I said to her with a wide smile. "Okay....oh and by the way Erika told me that you should pick up the gifts later after lunch break." "Good to know thanks." I picked up the stuffs we need for cleaning the guest rooms and we started to clea the rooms.

Hmm....i met two handsome mens today first is Mr.Ichinomiya the cold and scary but handsome guy. The second is Ota Kisaki the Angelic Artist.....wait.... no Andi...no....just forget it.... the boys doesn't like you (Well except to Mr.Ota Kisaki he was kind to me) well yes....but I dont want another roubd of heart break (um....do they asking you out for a date or what?) oh come on just forget it. Just go back to work ad forget the past.

;) To be Continue (;

©May 2015

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