~Chapter ThirtyTwo~

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🎈At the Penthouse🎈

"I cant believe that im here in Eisuke's penthouse." Carolina said and twirls around and the penthouse And sats down at the sofa near Momo. Momo stood up with her eyes wide and comes closer to me and said. "What the hell is this fatty fat doing here?" She whisepered in my ear. "Well becasue she said that she wanted to see Eisuke' penthouse and then Soryu said why don't we take her now here." I said.

"Come here and sit down." She said. Eisuke,Soryu,Ota,Baba,Mamoru,momo, and I were standing up because she's here and we have no choice go sit down too.

The guys sit down at the other while Momo sat on a small Chair. While Eisuke sits down on the nearby sofa chair. While I remain standing because I have no where to sit. Then suddenly.


I pulls me to him and I sat down on he's lap. Please dont tell me im blushing right now. Oh no!!!! not that night again!!! P.S. he's the one who started it from that night.

"Ohh.....pretty lady is blushing." Baba said and smirked. "I hope Koro is feeling comfortable on Eisuke's lap."Ota said laughing.

"Ohh....I remember James is coming." Momo said. "What?!" Eisuke said. He look shocked about it. "Who gave you permission to call him." Eisuke said with a stern look on he's face to Momo.

"Well he said he's kinda bit lonely at the dorm so I told him to come here." Momo said.

"Well he can come here later. Tell him to come later and tell him to go somewhere else first before coming here." Eisuke said. Momo nod and starts to text James.

How the hell did she got James number?

"So.......You have heard about the King and Queens Ball right?" Carolina said smiling. "Yeah.....we know Well Eisuke and Andi were invited." Soryu said. "Ok.....well change plan You are all invited even the Boy name James."


Baba, Ota, and Momo cheered excitedly. While Soryu and Mamoru still no expression.

"Haha This is going to be fun!! I'll go Ask James late to be my partner."Momo said. "No you're not your partner will be your brother." Eisuke smirked.

"That will be good!" Baba said. while Ota laughed. "Shut up already." Mamoru said.

"Hey Andi.....I was wondering if its okay if we talk a little later." Carolina said with a creepy smile.

"Um....i" I look at Eisuke and he just smiles and nod.

"Um sure." Isaid. "well Why dont we go now and window shop. " She said and stoods up. and went to the elevator.

I stood up nervously and my legs starts shaking a little bit. I look back to Eisuke and looks at me with a stern look.

"Just act natural and dont do anything stupid." He said. I nodded and went to the elevator and I look back again and I look at Carolina and she has these creepy smile.

"Lets go." she said. "yeah....."


The elevator doors open and we got inside when the elevator doors almost closing I saw Eisuke staring at me an the now its all gone because the elevator doors were Closed.

I wish I can do a good job to these.

Eisuke P.O.V.

I am not agreeing to this. Carolina asking Andi for a chitchat and window shopping. Oh....I better follow them.

I stood up and went to the elevator. Before I can press the button the elevator suddenly opens Appearing James.

"Oh hey Eisuke." He said. "Right on time.....Follow me." I said and push him back to the elevator. "Where we going?" He asked. "Spying on your sister." I said when I almost press the button Ota and Baba came and said "Can we come.....we can help." They said. I sighed and nodded. The two got inside and The elevator doors closed . leaving Soryu, Mamoru, and Momo at the penthouse lounge.

🎃 4th floor Window shopping 🎃

Andi P.O.V.

Everything is going smoothly but still My legs were shaking......what if She ask so many questions about Eisuke and then I didnt answer correctly and what if......Will she knew about the deal.....or the fake relationship.

"So...... Since when did you start to fall in live with him?" Carolina asked. "well I started to fall in love with him when he started to act kindly." I said.

"......I cant believe he fall in love with a woman like you." She said with disgust.

"You know what......Eisuke and Naomi is more suitable to be a couple than You and him."


I remember that Name when Eisuke said that when he was asleep.

"So you dont know about her then." She said.

I remain silent and nodded. I saw her smile with the corner of my eye.

"Well Naomi is one of Eisuke's Lover. He lives her so badly even I got jealous. They've been dating for 4 years because They met since college and then they fall in love........Oh....And then I remember that Naomi got pregnant too.....Eisuke was so happy.....but it didnt take long until Naomi had a miscarriage and the baby died. Eisuke looks so horrible from that day when he knew he's child is dead......what even makes more worst is that he's not the father.....and Naomi just used him because he was rich and she loved someone else of course. Thats why he e became more colder than before."

When Carolina is talking about the story of Eisuke and Naomi......suddenly I felt a tear coming out from my eyes. I can feel Carolina is doing this to make me uncomfortable.......

But.....Why am I feeling something painful in my chest.....Its just like how I feel when My ex boyfriends did to me.

"You know what.....if you dont wanna get hurt.....broke things off with him....." She said. and leaves.

Leaving me here alone.

I knew it Naomi is Eisuke's lover.and I can feel Eisuke still loves her.

I look at the ring......That Eisuke just bought

.....I wish I can meet the boy again.


I heard someone from behind called my name. I turn around and saw Eisuke standing there.

"......What happened?......and why are you crying?"

🎇To be Continue🎇

P.s. Next chapter will come in next 20-25 mins

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