~Chapter TwentyOne~

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~Next Morning~

Andi P.O.V.

I woke up by the rising sun shining to the windows. I look around the room and it looks familiar. I sat up and I can see that Im in Eisuke's room.

How come did I get in here? Why am I wearing a towel only? And why is Eisuke sleeping in the sofa? And why am I?!

Oh yeah.....Last night. I remember for what exactly happened from that night. I don't wanna remember that again. Because that is the worst thing ever happened to me. Well atleast Eisuke came.....in bad timing. Yamato was already inside of me from that time. But even Its already over I can still feel that im not safe alone. I wanted someone to be by my side.

I started to cry again, because I felt so lonely and nobody even respects me. I knew these would happen. I started thinking about these since when I was Teenager.

I never think of myself a beautiful teenager from that time because I was so insecure to my sisters. Angie is smart, Alexa is Beautiful, While Aly is confident. While I have none of those things. From that time when I was a teenager I look ugly, fat, have some pimples from the face, and I look disgusted so that why All of my classmates bully me while my friends starts to avoid me and they said I don't fit to their group because Im an ugly duckling.

Thats why I stop my education from my old school and moved to a new school. But still it was the same. But I remain brave and accept the fact that im nothing but a worthless.

I looked at Eisuke and still he was asleep. I stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

I came inside the bathroom and I saw a note.

"Dear Andi,

You're clothes where in the cabinet. and make sure to make me a coffee before I woke up. And get ready for your training today.


I read the note and it says that the clothes were in the cabinet. I should take a bath.

-10 mins later-

I got from the kitchen and Bring Eisuke's coffee and put it to the table and I made some breakfast too. I fixed the table and then the door suddenly opens. I turned around and saw Eisuke.

"Oh...Good Morning." I said with a smile. Eisuke went to the table And he was shocked for what he saw.

"Breakfast? but I only asked for a coffeee." He said "Well you must eat some breakfast too you know." I said. "Fine......you say so." He sits down and he looks at the omelet. "I hope its delicious." he said. He take a bite to the Omelet and then.......He looked at me with a wide eyes.

Is it not good?!

Eisuke P.O.V.

I tasted the omelet and it tastes pretty good than the VIP chef's omelet. I looked at Andi with a wide eyes. because I was shock to taste an omelet these good.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME ANDI!!!" I said. "What it doesn't taste good isn't it." she looked down. "What?! idiot! Its pretty good." I said and took another bite of the omelet. "I never knew that You can make a delicious food. I hope Soryu is here to taste some of your omelets Andi." I said. Well at least I can eat all the Omelet.


Andi P.O.V.

We heard a know on the door. I came closer to open it. I open the door and O saw Soryu, Baba, Ota, Mamoru, and Momo.

"Hey An- ...... I smell Omelets!!!" Momo said and ran to the table.

"Hey do you have manners!" Eisuke said "Oh come one Eisuke don't be mad at morning breakfast." Momo said.

"I do smell some omelets." Soryu said he came closer at the table and said. "Im going to eat some."

"No you're not going to eat some " Eisuke said harshly. "Hey! You know the word sharing right Eisuke." Ota said. "Well you know....boss doesn't share some." Baba said. "Well its okay we can make some more to Andi." Mamoru said. Eisuke rolled he's eyes and continues to eat he's breakfast.

"I can't believe that Andi can make some delicious omelets" momo said and hands me over her plate. "I want more please." Soryu said.

Everyone likes the omelet that I made. Well thanks to you know.

"Okay after eating some breakfast lets go swimming." Momo said. "we can't we have some things to do." Eisuke said. "Go swim by yourself." Mamoru said. "Hey!!" Momo pouted. "You're old enough to swim alone." Soryu said. "But it will be lonely." Momo said. "Its okay We'll join you later when were done." Ota said. "fine...Im going swimming.....please Andi come to the swimming pool later." Momo stood up and leaves the penthouse.

"Andi get dress. We're leaving. The dress is in the bedroom."

".....Oh...okay," I said and went to the bedroom.

Eisuke P.O.V.

"Hey I heard some good news." Ota said. "Yeah me too." baba said.

What do they mean 'Good news'?

"Stop joking around Eisuke we know you like her!" Soryu said. "What...."

"Oh come on Momo told us something...." Ota said.


-•To be Continue•-

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