~Chapter Eleven~

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Andi P.O.V.

I remain silent and shock about the news. The family knew about the relationship of me and Eisuke but actually were just pretending, but I don't know. Whats going to happen if we came in there? Plus I don't have enough courage to face them. Im still afraid to come close to them face to face. And also its been a year ever since they last saw me. Angie last saw me when the day Yamato broke up with me, While Alexa we last saw each other on a bar 6 months ago, while Aly kinda like 4 months ago. And guess what?! Im ignoring them for some reason!! But it doesn't even mean that I don't love them Anymore Im just scared thats all.

"I hope you two can come with us tomorrow but.....your flight will be on friday and tomorrow is thursday so yeah I hope you make up your mind Andi and Eisuke. And see ya on Saturday." He turns around and he closes the door.

I looked at the tickets at Eisuke's hands. I took it and Looked at it. Thinking......

Should i really go? Should I keep hiding? But What happens if they knew about that our relationship is fake? So many questions, it makes me feel sick.

"I think you should go there." Eisuke said. I looked up at him and i can see to he's face taht he wants me to go and see my family. But......Oh I don't know!!!

"I don't Know Eisuke!!"

"You don't know what?"

"If I should go or not!"

"Well if i were you I rather go there than Hiding forever."

Well, you don't what are my problems Eisuke and your not the boss of me. You may be my Owner but you have no business to know about this stuffs. I said it in my head, Well i wanna say it to him. But.....I kinda feel that im being rude about it. Well Eisuke is right. I should come and visit them.

"You're not coming with me?" I asked him, he looked at me and said. "No." "But They'll gonna look for you and then they'll knew about that our relationship is fake and-"

"What you wanted me to come with you to california to convince them that you have a boyfriend?! Oh hell no!! Im your owner I should be the one who gets what I want from my slave!! Not you!! You're the slave remember!! Not me!!"

"But Mr. Ichinomiya...They know that the two of us is dating! What shall I do? Should I tell them that its just fake?!" I asked him. he turns around and he's face looks mad and annoyed. "You Idiot! I told you to never tell anyone right! Why are you going to tell them huh?! What if they knew about the Auction?! Are you doing this to tell someone and take me to the cops huh?!"

"WHAT NO!! Im not going to tell anyone!! Of course it will look suspicious if you were not there with me. Pls!! Mr.Ichinomiya I'll Do anything pls just for five day only pls. you said that were pretending to be Boyfriend and Girlfriend in public right?!"


Well these is harder than I thought. But what if they knew about it? Eisuke is going to kill me if tell someone about it!! I don't wanna die too soon. But.....Yeah I know Carolina is coming in next 2 weeks for a vacation here for 1 week. but......we have nothing to do i'm going back to work even him, but going to California......I need him!! Mom is gonna go 'CRAY CRAY' If she doesn't saw Eisuke.

"Please Mr. Ichinomiya!! Please I do Anything for you!!! I promise!" He looked down at me while he's expression never changed. Oh please Accept already its just for five day!!

He deeply sighed and said. "FINE!! FINE!! YOU HAPPY?!"

I quickly stood up and Jump in the like a little girl. "Oh thank you !!! thank you Mr. Ichinomiya!! Its only for five days only."

"Make it three!" He said.

"What? But were going to stay there only for five days for some reunion of the Williams family." I told him whats going to happen in five days but he didn't listen.

"Look Andi, I know you wanted to see them. but We can't."

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because someone is coming." "But Carolina is Coming next 2 weeks!"

"Not Carolina!!" He yelled. and Sits at the bed. "Then who is coming?" I asked. Curiosity came inside me. Who this person is coming?

"Mamoru's sister is coming here in Tokyo. Actually she's staying In Kyushu because she works there, and now she's coming here to visit her brother. Her name is Momo."

Momo? That names kinda bit Familiar to me? Well.....lets just see.....

"And you said that your going to do anything that i'll say right."

uh....yes why?

"If I say that if were going to stay there in 3 days.....3 DAYS!!! And after that were going home. Deal?"

But.....Well I have no choice he's helping me anyway. Okay okay 3 days.

"Okay......3 days will work anyway."

I Raise my hand for a pinkie promise. He looked at me annoyed because im being Childish right now. He hesitate at first and then he put he's pinkie into mine. And then the deal is accepted by him.

Well one more day left before I see them...

But Nervous and Sadness starts to run in my Head.

I hope those 3 days will be a success.

~To be Continue~


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