Chapter 1

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Payu was walking to the restaurant near his office, he immediately spotted his uncle sitting at one of the table near a large window and he waved at him. Chay looked out and saw his nephew, so he stood up and waved back at him. As Payu got inside the restaurant, Chay hugged him tight and told him to sit with him.

"So, how was my favorite nephew's day?" Chay asked with a large smile on his face. Payu chuckled a little and replied:

"Well, you don't have many other nephews though"

"Oh come on, you know what I mean! So, how was your day? You must be exhausted! I've already talked with the waiter, they are already preparing your favorite dish" Porchay replied.

"I hoped I could hide it a little better... anyway, my client isn't satisfied with the project I've proposed and I have to change it quite a lot. It isn't the first time it happens but you know how much effort I put in these projects, I should be used to this kind of feelings but..." Payu explained.

"It's alright, you see... it is normal to fail sometimes, the only thing that matters is to put all of your energy in what you do, and I know that this is exactly what you do every day, that's why I'm so proud of you Venice." Chay said with a calm voice.

"Thank you uncle"

"Besides that, it would be very boring if you can get whatever you want without efforts, look at Kim... he always felt bored, but after I started rejecting him, you could clearly see a sparkle of excitement in his eyes" Chay added while sipping his wine.

Payu laughed after the last remark from his uncle. They had dinner together like every Thursday and chatted a little about work and the stupid things that happen in the main family. After a while Chay looked at his watch and turned to his nephew and said:

"It is getting pretty late, we should go now or Pete will cut my head if you go home late because of me! Oh no, it is raining. Listen, get into the car while I pay the bill. I can take you to work tomorrow morning so you can take your motorcycle back, ok?"

"No problem uncle. I can go on my own. Thank you for dinner, see you soon!" Payu replied. He ran to his motorcycle as fast as he could, he got his helmet and was about to start the engine when he noticed that there was a car on the side of the street.

The guy walked closer to the car and noticed that the interior light was on and that the driver was quite desperate. Payu looked at the car more carefully this time and noticed that it had a flat tire. He walked to the window next to the driver's seat and knocked on it for a few times. The guy inside looked at him but he was too scared to open at first.

After a while Payu managed to talk to the driver. He told him about the flat tire and helped him with it. The young guy thanked him a lot, then he drove away. Payu's clothes were all wet and as he looked at his phone he noticed that it was pretty late. He shook his head and started driving to the minor family's mansion.

"It looks like you eventually found the way home, Venice..." Pete said. He was sitting on an armchair in the entrance hall. As he noticed the wet clothes, Pete's voice switched from angry to worried. He ran to his son and said:

"Come on, let's rush upstairs. Take a hot shower, I will prepare your clothes... why didn't you let your uncle take you here? Why did you arrive so late? I was scared to death!" Pete said.

"It's alright dad, there was a guy who needed help with a flat tire and I decided to help him." Payu responded.

"I know that I've taught you to be kind to others but I didn't tell you to risk to get sick for something like that! Nevermind... I'm glad you're home. Call me next time something like this happens, unless you want me to have a heart attack" Pete explained.

"You're right, you're right... I'm sorry. Would you leave please? I don't really want to take off my clothes in front of you dad" Payu said jokingly.

"Fine, I'll leave the clean clothes on your bed. Good night" 

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now