Chapter 26

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The following days Sky tried to talk with Rain quite a few times. He was getting more and more worried considering his friend's strange behavior. One day he went to Rain's house and rang the doorbell. Nobody replied for several minutes, so he decided to call him.

"Rain? Where are you? I'm in front of your house, can you let me in?"

"Sorry Sky, I'm out buying groceries. I have to run a few errands today so I don't think that I will come anytime soon" Rain replied.

"Alright... well, I can come back later if you want"

"I don't know when I'll come back, I don't want to waste your time Sky." Rain responded.

"It looks like you're busier now that we have no classes compared to when we had to study... well, just text me whenever you feel like staying together, ok?"

"Sure, bye bye Sky" Rain added. Sky was regretting his decision, maybe he wasn't close enough to Rain lately because he was busy with Pai. Maybe Rain interpreted it like he didn't want to be friends anymore. Who knows!

Sky left the front of the house and walked away, he didn't know nor he suspected that Rain was actually observing him from the window of his bedroom, watching between the curtains. He couldn't know that Rain didn't even need to buy groceries... since he was barely eating in the past few days.

Payu was preoccupied too. He didn't want to call Rain because he thought that it could be better for both of them if the boy managed to clear it out without external help. It could also prove that Rain didn't think of Payu as just a crush but as a serious relationship.

That didn't change the fact that Payu wanted to control Rain no matter what. He didn't want him to get in troubles again. That same day, Payu called Pai to ask him for a favor.

"Hey Pai, may I have your boyfriend's phone number?" Payu asked.

"You already have your cute boyfriend, don't cheat on him" Pai replied chuckling but Payu's tone remained serious all the time during that call.

"Pai, I'm serious, I need to talk to your boyfriend. If you don't trust giving me his number, then let me talk with him from your phone at least" Payu added. Pai sighed and walked to the living room, he handed the phone to Sky and told him that Payu wanted to talk.

"P' Payu, what may I do for you?" Sky asked confused.

"Hi Sky, do you have news about Rain? I'm... quite worried"

"Rain? Yeah, I talked with him in the morning, he said that he went out to buy groceries and that he didn't know when he was going back home."

"How did he sound like?" Payu asked.

"Well... I must admit that he sounded a little... tired? I don't really know how to define it. He didn't seem the usual Rain, but maybe it's just me, I was quite concerned too since I haven't seen him in a while"

"Thank you Sky" Payu replied and put the phone away. What was going on with Rain? What was wrong with that guy! Why did he always have to make him worry like that? 

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now