Chapter 24

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Pete agreed with his husband's offer and the reason behind it was quite simple, since all the siblings were supposed to accept Rain, the choice wasn't just up to him, so if they didn't agree he didn't have to forcedly accept the boy's apology.

"Perfect. Now give me your phone" Vegas ordered with that devilish smile of his. Rain hesitated for a moment but he thought that he didn't really have a choice at that moment, so he handed him his phone and looked while Venice's dad was typing something.

"Since I believe that your intentions are genuine, I just gave you Tankhun's phone number, it may be a useful tool to start your task." Vegas said as he returned the phone. Rain bowed and smiled, he thanked them several times for the new opportunity and left the house since Payu had nothing to tell him.

"I know why you did it" Venice started.

"Did what?" Vegas asked pretending to be confused.

"Tankhun's phone number? Seriously? We all know what will happen after he will call him..." Venice continued.

"Oh, silly me... I really didn't think about it... I'm so sorry, but I'm sure that if he's really regretting his deeds, it won't be difficult to convince that crazy man" Vegas replied and sipped his drink while Pete turned to him.

"Yeah, we all know that it won't happen. I bet that after Rain will say Hello to Tankhun, he will just start shouting that he dared to talk to me like that and then he will ask Arm to track down the phone" Pete remarked.

"He's my cousin and your former boss, you should trust him a little bit more, honey" Vegas added and smirked at the thought of that scene between the sorry boy and the madman.

Rain started walking down the street to go back home and meet Sky, however his friend texted him that he was busy and he couldn't come. Rain called the number Vegas gave him and waited until someone picked up.

"Hello? Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakul here..."

"Good morning Khun Tankhun, I... I'm Rain..."


"Th... that went even worse than expected..." Rain said. He didn't lose hope though, he knew that there were still some people in the family who were much more reasonable than Tankhun. He turned and walked to the major family's house. He entered and walked to the reception desk, a woman looked up from her laptop and asked:

"What may I do for you?"

"Good morning, is it possible to meet Khun Porchay?"

"He's out at the moment"

"What about Khun Kim?"

"They always go out together so no"

"Ummm... who's left... what was that name... umm... oh right, Khun Kinn?"

"He's in his office, I can call him but I don't assure you that he will be free for a visit. What's your name?"

"My name is Noeul" Rain said, hoping that he wasn't going to get busted from the receptionist too.

"Noeul? Nice name, ok, wait a minute ok?" she said as she took the phone and called Kinn. She told him that someone wanted to meet him, she listened to Kinn and eventually put the phone back on the desk.

"He's free. First floor, second door to the left, you'll see his name on the door" Erika said. Rain nodded and thanked her, then he reached the elevator and went to the office.

He looked at the door and saw the name written on it. He knocked and Kinn soon told him to enter. Rain opened the door, he noticed that the man was alone, silently reading some papers on his desk.

"So, what may I do for you Khun Noeul?" Kinn said, he looked up only when he pronounced the fake name and in fact his tone switched dramatically. He went from an expression of "Nice to meet you, let's do business" to a "I'm gonna melt you in acid".

"Get out. You don't only disrespect a person who's dear to me, you even use these silly antics to meet him. I'm really disappointed. Get out"

"But sir, it was the only way to..."

"I said get out!" 

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now