Chapter 17

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"Rain! You're awake! Oh my God... I was so worried. Do you want some water? A sandwich? Does your head hurt? Rain, say something!" Payu asked quickly as he sat down next to Rain on the bed. Rain felt a little dizzy at first and he didn't know what to answer first.

"I'm fine... really. And you? Are you alright? What about your fathers? Are they angry?" Rain asked.

"Don't think about them, I'm sure that they calmed down already. Rain... I don't know if it is the right moment to say it but I want you to know that I really meant what I said. My feelings for you are tr-" Payu was pleasantly interrupted by a gentle kiss on his lips.

After a few seconds, Rain pulled him away and finally found the courage to admit it:

"I love you, Payu"

Payu didn't say anything, he sighed relieved and hugged him, then he kissed him back and hugged him tightly, almost like he was fearing he could run away from him. After a few minutes, Payu told him that he had to go downstairs to inform his parents that he was awake. Rain nodded and kissed him on his cheek before letting him leave.

The picture in front of Venice when he reached the living room felt unreal. Everyone was sitting on the sofa in complete silence. Chay thanked the maid with a smile as she brought the tea, then he started observing all the other guys in the room, wondering what was going on in their minds.

"Ummm... Rain woke up" Payu started.

"Good, did he say something relevant this time?" Pete asked with an irritated tone.

"Define relevant" Vegas added with a smirk, teasing Pete was his favorite hobby, it was entertaining but also as dangerous as hunting a lion, in fact Pete glared at him and Vegas turned back to Macau, who had just arrived and was still trying to understand the whole story.

"Well... he's fine" Payu responded.

Pete nodded and stood up. The silence filled the room again. Pete thought about a way to break that awkward moment and eventually found a solution.

"Since you're all here, I guess that we can have dinner together. I will ask Arm and Pol to take some food from that fancy restaurant Vegas likes so much... I suppose that we will have to invite Rain as well" Pete said.

"Yeah, that is a great idea! It will be a perfect opportunity to introduce Venice's friend to the whole family!" Tankhun shouted.

"Do you really have to shout like that?" Vegas asked.

"Shut up unless you want me to hit you with a tray" Tankhun replied.

"Ok ok, there is already enough domestic violence in this house... I'll talk with Arm. Venice, is your friend allergic to anything in particular?" Vegas replied.

"I don't know, I'll ask him and tell you" Venice rushed upstairs.

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" Tankhun shouted and followed his nephew. 

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now