Chapter 49

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Gun slowly opened his eyes, the strong light pointed directly at his eyes didn't make it easier. He felt a sharp pain in his left foot, he looked down and saw some bandages around it. He started to remember what happened, he remembered opening the door and then he saw Vegas holding a gun and shooting at him. He looked in the distance and finally saw it.

"It looks like our dear friend is awake" Vegas said with a smile. The more Gun looked at him, the more he didn't understand what was going on. Vegas was sitting on a comfortable armchair, drinking something from a fancy glass.

"wh... what..." Gun mumbled.

"Yeah you're right, you deserve some explanation. We took you here, in the basement of our nice house, to make you pay for what you did. You know... torturing people is my second favorite hobby ..." Vegas said.

"What's the first one?" Gun asked, trying to look like he wasn't intimidating by Vegas, who almost looked like a demon in human form. Vegas chuckled innocently and walked to him, he slapped him lightly and grinned, then he whispered in his ear:

"My favorite hobby is watching my husband torturing someone. Pete, this is your moment to shine, the floor is yours" Vegas walked back to his armchair and let Pete enough space to work as he wished.

Venice was sleeping in his bedroom after Top gave him some pills to make him rest. Macau, Rain and the doctor were all in the corridor talking about the poor guy's conditions.

"Luckily Pete and Vegas reached you in time, I can't imagine what things Gun could have in store for you. Anyway, he will get better soon... physically at least. I suggest you call a psychiatrist as soon as possible. Only because there was no penetration doesn't mean that it won't be hard for him to recover psychologically. I know someone who could help him, I'll send you the number as soon as I get home. Good luck" the doctor said and left the building.

Macau noticed that the boy was on the verge of tears so he instinctively hugged him tight, making him put his head over his shoulder and patting his back.

"it will be alright, Rain... don't worry" Macau whispered.

"It won't.. it is all my fault... in a few weeks I managed to insult the whole family, I made P Payu angry, I got kidnapped and Payu got raped to rescue me... I wish Payu never met me... why does he have to suffer so much because of me?"

Venice woke up a few hours later and acted like nothing happened at all. He told his parents that it was useless to worry about what happened and that he was already moving on, he almost liked like he could easily talk about that topic.

More hours passed, everyone was extremely perplexed, how did he manage to act so calmly after that. It was time to go to sleep, Rain walked past Venice's room to sleep in the guest room but Venice came out of his room and asked with a smile:

"Rain? Where are you going? Don't you want to stay with me?"

"S...Sure! I just thought... nevermind." Rain replied smiling too, maybe he was so strong that he could overcome even something like that. That idea started settling in Rain's mind. They switched off the lights and got under the blankets. Rain fell asleep quite rapidly while Payu tried to do the same, he stayed still for a long time with his eyes closed, hoping that he could fall asleep soon.

After almost an hour, Rain turned in his sleep and touched his lover's arm. Payu tried his best to stay calm but it was just too hard for him, he tried to convince himself that it was Rain but no matter how hard he tried, that feeling continued to haunt him. What if Gun managed to escape from the basement and was trying to do that again? Nah, how could he even possibly believe something like that.

"P... P Payu?" Rain whispered as he woke up in the middle of the night. Payu wasn't next to him. He stood up and walked around the house, he eventually noticed a feeble light at the end of the hallway, he walked and slowly opened the door of the lit room.

He saw Payu walking around, taking books and projects, moving them around, reading, writing, thinking. He even noticed the cup of coffee on the large desk near the window.

"Oh sorry Rain, I was too loud right? I didn't mean to wake you up"

"Wh... what are you doing, Payu?"

"Me? I'm working. There is so much work to do. I saw that you have a project due for the next month, I made some sketches for it. I know what you're going to say, that's cheating... but what's the point of having a good boyfriend if he doesn't help you, right?"


"Oh right, you want to see them, don't you? I actually made two versions of it, you could tell me which one you prefer and we could work on the presentation together. There are some wonderful programs that we could use..."

"Payu... it's 4 am..."

"Yeah right, go to sleep, I'll show you the sketches tomorrow during breakfast" Venice responded smiling brightly, he pushed Rain out of the office and continued working.

Rain walked away, he reached the terrace right above the courtyard, the idea of jumping off became tempting. Rain shook his head and slapped himself.

"How could you do something like this. Payu needs you... you... you have to help him Rain... get yourself together!" Rain repeated to himself.

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now