Chapter 52

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For the first time after the incident, Payu managed to stay next to Rain the whole night. He didn't sleep nor he got under the blanket and he didn't even dare to touch him again unless it was for a urgent reason. He just stayed there, looking at Rain sleeping peacefully after feeling his presence so close to him. The following morning though, when Rain woke up, Venice was already gone. Rain walked down the stairs and through the long corridor to reach the kitchen, where he heard Pete preparing breakfast.

"Oh, good morning, Rain, I hope you have slept well. Would you call Venice, please? Breakfast is almost ready." Pete asked smiling at Rain, pretending to be ok and ready to deal with their problems with a happy face and a bright smile, even though his soul felt desperate and miserable.

Rain nodded and went back upstairs, he knocked on the door of Venice's office, he knocked once, twice, but still no answer. The idea of founding him collapsed on the floor started reemerging in his mind. Rain took a deep breath and decided that he only had to open the door, his feelings weren't important, Venice's health, on the other hand, had to be his only concern.

The young student remained quite confused as he noticed that Venice wasn't there, he looked everywhere in that room but he just wasn't there. Maybe he was in his room, changing clothes. He went to Venice's bedroom and knocked. Venice replied immediately:

"Who's there?"

"It's me, Rain"

"Oh, Rain, enter please" Payu responded. Rain couldn't help but remember the scene of his nightmare, the setting was the same but the ambience was different, as he opened the door he didn't find a dark and terrifying place, he found a tidy room lit by the bright and warm sunlight of that sunny morning. He heard the noise of some water splashing, so he walked to the bathroom and found Payu in the bathtub, his perfect body covered by the water and on his face there was a soft cream.

"Venice, do you want to come downstairs? Breakfast is almost ready" Rain asked.

"I'm not hungry, I had a coffee a few hours ago" Venice replied without moving at all.

"A cup of coffee isn't a healthy breakfast" Rain added.

"I'm fine, really... what about you? Are you alright?" Venice asked.


"Good. Do you think that I should learn a new language?" Venice asked. Rain was perplexed by that seemingly random question. He looked at him more carefully and asked him the purpose of that question.

"Yeah you're right... maybe I should try to learn something else... like how to play the violin... or the flute perhaps!"

"P Payu... are you sure that you're fine?"

"Yes, I feel great! I'm just trying to figure out what I could do to be a worthy boyfriend, that's all..."

"A... a worthy boyfriend?" Rain couldn't believe his ears, what was Payu talking about? He was already more than perfect, what could he do more than what he already did for him?

"Yes! I wrote down a list of things that I could do, it is on the desk, you can take it. Read and tell me what you would prefer, ok?" Payu said. Rain didn't really know what to do so he just followed his boyfriend's order and went to the desk, he picked the letter and read a long list of skills that Payu proposed to learn to make his lover happy.

Rain turned the letter and saw that there was something else written on it. It was clear that it was still written by Payu but the handwriting felt different, it was much more nervous, desperate, rapid... after that, Rain tried to read what was written on it, it wasn't just a list of things like on the other side, it was...

To myself...

Venice, how could you let it happen? How could you let the love of your life, your soulmate, the reason why your heart beats every single day, get kidnapped by such an arrogant and pathetic man like Gun? There is nothing more to add, you know the reason very well, you're as pathetic as him.

How can you consider yourself a good lover when you cannot protect the person you love the most? How can you consider yourself worthy of his feelings when you can barely comfort him in the time of need? And lastly... how can you consider yourself noble and honorable if you couldn't even spare Rain that terrible show of Gun violating you?

There is nothing you can do to cancel that moment, there is nothing you can do to make yourself worthy again at his eyes. You won't see love in Rain's eyes anymore... because that feeling has turned into pity.

Venice Payu Theerapanyakul Saengtham to his pathetic self

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now