Chapter 36

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This time the rumor-chain in the major family was different since Prapai was the first one to introduce the news of the minor family to the major one. Kinn wasn't going to talk about that to anyone and this left Porsche with the heavy duty of spreading information to the rest of the family. He went to his brother Chay who was sitting in the living room, reading a book while Kim was trying some melodies with his guitar.

"Yeah, what may I do for you, brother? And stop going up and down, just tell me what's wrong" Chay started since everyone remained silent for a whole minute.

"It's Pai. He says that he wants to get in the family business... I can't let him do it"

"You know how he is, maybe he fears that you aren't introducing him to the business because you would prefer Venice as the new head of a united family. Honestly I don't care as long as Kim is with me" Chay said, doing puppy eyes to his lover, hoping that he was going to say something romantic... since it was Kim, nothing romantic was going to come out of his mouth.

"He even started talking about Pete's first, so that I couldn't just say that I was busy to avoid the conversation!" Porsche continued.

"Really? What did he tell you? Is Pete still sad about what the kid told him? I wouldn't blame him" Porchay asked.

"No, he isn't angry anymore, apparently he forgave him after the boy started starving himself."

"An attention seeker? Nah... he would have done something quicker... maybe he's really sorry" Chay replied.

"I don't care, I've already told Pai that if Venice's boyfriend wants me to accept his apology, he has to do it himself... no matter if Pete forgave him or not" Porsche replied.

"You know what? I think I'll go to Pete's house to see if he's really ok now or not, it isn't like I have anything better to do, Ice King Kim is in his world as you can see..."

"Huh?" Kim asked

"Nothing, I'm going out" Chay said and left the room after Porsche did the same.

A few minutes later Chay was already in front of the house of the minor family. The butler welcomed him, he was about to ask him if he wanted to see Pete when Chay noticed Rain walking down the hallway.

"You! Stop right there" Porsche's brother said with the most serious and intimidating tone he could show, it would make everyone laugh actually but it was enough to terrify Rain, who froze immediately and turned to him.

"G... greetings Khun Chay"

"It is Khun Porchay for you. What are you doing in Pete's house?"

"K... Khun Pete said that I could stay here with them..." Rain replied. He was scared but he didn't want to look pathetic, so he decided to completely avoid the hospital topic.

"Follow me, I have a lot of questions for you. I'm really disappointed by your behavior, I can't believe that I trusted you..." Chay said after he opened the door of the library. He pushed the guy inside quite harshly and then he closed the door behind himself.

"So, let's start with this, I hope you understand that what you did to my relative was not only disrespectful, but cruel! I didn't think that you were able to do something like that" Chay said.

"I... I'm still very sorry. I... I've tried my best to fix it but it only made things worse, Khun Porchay..." Rain said without looking at him in the eyes.

"Is this all you have to say? Don't you want to try to justify yourself at least?"

"I... I can tell you why I did it but I don't think that it will make my situation any better... Khun Porchay"

"That's right... wait, why are you crying now?"

"I... I'm not crying"

"Yes, you are. Now tell me what's wrong... I'm not heartless, tell me..." the intimidating tone switched back to his usual calm and soft voice.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Pete said as he noticed them, he stood in front of Rain, shielding him from Chay.

"Chay, stop. He has apologized enough. He has already gone through enough to pay for his mistakes" Pete added.

"Pete, move aside..." Chay said resolutely. Pete moved slightly, enough for Chay and Rain to talk face to face.

"I trust Pete very much and since it looks like he believes that your apology was sincere, I will trust you as well. Just try not to cause any harm to other members of the family again, ok?"

Rain nodded but still didn't move at all.

"Don't starve yourself again though, I want a healthy boyfriend for my nephew, clear? Oh right, where is Venice right now? I could say hi before leaving you know?" Chay added.

"He's in his room, he had some problems too, apparently nobody knows how to deal with feelings without harming themselves in this family" Pete replied sighing.  

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now