Chapter 45

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"Here we are, remember what I've told you, Rain" Payu said after the car stopped in front of the entrance of a splendid villa. Rain looked at him, he kissed him softly and said: "And you should remember my answer"

The usher walked down the few steps of the entrance opened the car door, letting the whole minor family get out of the car. Venice handed him their invitation cards and walked inside the house. Vegas and Pete preferred to stay a little in the entrance hall, looking at the guests enter and seeing if they could recognize someone.

Macau, just as he was used to, picked a glass of champagne from the tray of a way too young waiter and headed to the garden, where he knew that there were fewer people considering that the fashion show was about to begin.

Rain stayed with Venice all the time, that world was new to him and he wanted to dive into it at all costs. Several guests came to them, he bowed politely to greet them but most of Payu's friends and acquaintances acted like he was alone. Rain tried to ignore that at first, but it got even worse after a notary came to greet his boyfriend.

"Oh, notary Lian, I'm so glad to meet you here" Payu started.

"Nice to see you again, Khun Venice, I must thank you again for the wonderful work you did with my villa in Phuket. I'm sure that nobody else would have been able to do such a masterpiece" the notary said.

"I'm flattered, sir. Rain, this is Khun Lian, a dear friend of our family, Khun Lian, this is my boyfriend Rain"

He saw it. He wasn't blind, he noticed the reaction in that old man's eyes. He looked down on him. Maybe he just didn't like the idea of a man dating a man, right? No... no he could clearly see that, everyone at that stupid party thought the same, he wasn't enough for Payu, no matter what he did to reach their level.

"Rain? Are you alright? Do you want to eat something?" Payu asked worried, he really wanted to ask him again if he wanted to leave but he knew that a question like that was now completely useless. Rain looked around and noticed a small plan of the house that showed the activities in each room, he turned back to his lover and said:

"I think that I will go in the drawing room, it looks like there is a string quartet... I wouldn't mind listening to something different. See you later P."

Before Venice could say anything, Rain was already far away. The poor ignored boyfriend sat on a couch in a dark corner and looked at the quartet in the center of the room. He was so focused on them and on his feelings after what happened, that he didn't notice a guy walking to him until he sat next to him.

"This kind of party tends to become very boring if you don't know what to do, right? I'm Gun, you?"

"Rain, nice to meet you..." Rain replied trying to sound confident just like Vegas taught him.

Gun smiled and raised his hand to catch the attention of a nearby waiter, who instantly went there to fulfil his request. He took two glasses and gave one to Rain, who drank it rapidly, hoping to forget what was going on.

"You're quite thirsty, aren't you? Another one, please" Gun said as he handed the empty glass to the waiter and took another one before handing it too Rain. That choice was terrible, he hadn't eaten anything, he was still feeling quite bad after a night of fun and drinking that fast wasn't the best idea.

"Are you ok?" Gun asked as he saw that the guy was rubbing his forehead. Rain shook his head and stood up, he felt so dizzy that he thought he was going to fall onto the floor. Gun held him firmly and took him to the bathroom.

"I... I don't feel alright..." Rain murmured with his eyes closed.

"You'll feel better soon... swallow this, I usually bring one with them to avoid getting too drunk, it will make you feel better" Gun said as he tried to force a pill down the guy's throat.

Rain spitted it and opened his eyes, he tried to scream but Gun pressed on his mouth so that he couldn't do so. He was unzipping his trousers when he felt a sharp pain on his cheek and found himself onto the floor.

"Keep your filthy hands away from him!" Payu shouted.

"Hey, Venice... it isn't what it looks like..." Gun tried to say.

"Oh really?" Payu added.

"I don't care about the shit that comes out of your mouth. Venice, take Rain to the car, we're leaving. Vegas... I think that we have found some entertainment" Pete said as he entered the bathroom and saw the culprit on the floor.

Venice reached the car soon after that, Rain pretended that he didn't want to leave but Venice understood that it was a lie and forced him to follow him. As they entered, they found Macau sitting there with another glass of champagne.

"What? It isn't my fault if they don't give away spring water... I was thirsty" Macau remarked.

"You called the, didn't you?" Venice asked referring to his parents.

"Well, I saw what was going on and that you intervened to rescue Rain so I informed your parents, don't glare at me, it was the right thing to do... I guess that a party without a corpse in the bathroom isn't really a party" 

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now