Chapter 37

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Just as he said to Pete, Porchay stayed just enough to greet his beloved nephew and leave right after checking that he was doing fine. It looked like everyone in the minor family was finally managing to calm down after all the recent events... except one.

"Are you going to tell me what you want or you just called me to waste my time, Vegas?" Macau asked a little annoyed as he realized that his brother was just staring at the empty glass in his right hand after calling him there.

"Before I tell you anything, remember this: this conversation never happened"

"It won't be difficult to forget it since it hasn't even started. So, what do you want me to do? Let's get straight to the point" Macau replied, impatient to know what was going on in his brother's mind.

"Alright. I don't really know what happened but I heard the kid sobbing in the bathroom a while ago, he repeated something like... I can do nothing, I can't really blame him since I basically agree with him" Vegas said with his usual nonchalant tone.

"Oh ok I got it. You care about him and you want me to check what's wrong, right?"

"I don't care about him..."

"Yeah, you said the same thing about Venice when he was born and now I'm sure that you would let Kinn step on you if it was necessary to help Venice. However, I don't understand why you're asking me to do this" Macau interrupted him.

"As I said, I don't care about him... I just want my son to have a boyfriend who doesn't constantly become depressed. Normally I would ask doctor Top to find a specialist but since Rain would probably refuse to talk to a psychiatrist, I think that he may open up with you at least." Vegas responded.

"Yeah, that's right... I'm the only one who didn't yell at him after all..." Macau added.

"Exactly. You've also dealt with depression when you were younger and you moved on quite well, so I guess that you could see how he's doing. If you feel like it is too problematic then tell me and I will ask Top to help us... " Vegas finished.

"Ok, I'll try to be smooth then. I'll inform you if he makes any progress, however if he tells me that he wants to keep something private..."

"... you will tell me anyway" Vegas finished his brother's sentence.

"That isn't what I meant"

"I don't care what you meant. Go and do your job, hurry up, I want news in the evening"

Macau went downstairs and heard the noise of water flowing. He walked to the kitchen and saw that Rain was washing the dishes himself. He looked at him confused for a while, leaning on the doorframe and crossing his arms over his chest.

"There is a dishwasher, and besides that, you aren't supposed to clean, that's why we have maids and butlers, Rain"

"Oh, Khun Macau... sorry, I was just trying to prove myself useful" Rain replied as he finished cleaning the last plate, then he used a towel to wipe off the water from his hands and smiled at his boyfriend's uncle.

"Rain, do you know how to play chess? Wanna play together? Unless you want to cuddle with your boyfriend, I don't know how it works since I'm lonely as fuck" Macau replied chuckling after he noticed that his remark made Rain blush and look at the floor.

"Y... yes, I know how to play chess" Rain replied.

Macau patted his shoulder and gently pushed him out of the kitchen, leading him to a small drawing room on the second floor. They sat down and started playing.

"Rain, you know that you don't have to prove anything, right?" Macau said like it was nothing, he didn't even look at Rain when he said that, he just looked at the piece he was moving for his next move.

"I ... I know. I just wanted to be useful..."

"Do you usually feel like that?"

"Like what?"

"Sorry, I'm just overthinking. I'm so happy that Venice found such a kind boyfriend" Macau said, making Rain smile again.

"It's just..." he continued, giving a look at the boy in front of him.

"Just?" Rain asked confused.

"You know, I'm aware that I look like the perfect uncle everybody wants but..." he said with a pretty sarcastic tone "but I've felt that way long ago... I felt like I was completely useless, I must admit that it wasn't totally my fault, our dad was a total jerk and deserved what happened to him"

Rain gulped and watched at him, then he asked: "What happened to him?"

"Huh? Oh right, we were talking about my dad... his brother shot him in the head... and Check Mate, do you want to start again?" Macau continued with a smile, like he had just said something obvious.

"B... but, he was your father..."

"Not all fathers are the same, I guess... oh sorry, I didn't want to scare you. How were your parents? Do you miss them when you aren't with them?" Macau asked.

"Well... kind of... they are usually abroad for work now but when I used to live with them it was nice, they always helped me whenever I needed to do something... which tended to happen quite a lot..." Rain replied.

Macau didn't say anything and continued playing with the guy for almost an hour. Every words that come out of Rain's mouth during the rest of the conversation only confirmed Macau's theory. 

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now