Chapter 9

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Rain gasped as he saw Payu standing there next to the chef. He tried to get himself together as soon as possible, he picked a tray from the counter and walked out of the kitchen, hoping that the architect didn't notice his presence at all.

He walked around the restaurant for a few minutes, looking at the folded papers on each seat. He stopped by a table in a darker corner, the perfect place to hide from the crowd. He read the name on the white and gold paper and thought out loud:

"Venice... so silly, who would name their child after a city? Surely just another rich brat..."

"Is there something wrong with my name? My father is still pretty proud with his choice..." Payu asked. He was standing right on the opposite side of the table, Rain could have seen him coming but he didn't notice because he was too focused on that strange name. He needed to change his strategy, if he couldn't avoid him, he had to confront him.

"Don't be silly, P' Payu, everyone knows your name. Don't tell me that you thought I was going to fall for that stupid joke" Rain replied smirking. Payu looked at him with a soft smile and nodded.

"You're right, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, next time I will remember to consider your great brain in the game. Anyway, the chef is looking for you, you should walk back to the kitchen immediately if you don't want to lose your job, waiter" Payu added and waved as he walked to the stairwell, disappearing before Rain could reply properly.

Rain went to the kitchen. After seeing him near the counter, he walked to him and patted his shoulder to force him to turn and face him. Sky looked at him worried, maybe worried about Payu's reaction while he couldn't see him.

"Sky, what's going on upstairs? Payu went there" Rain asked.

"I've heard that there is a special auction but only certain invitees and special personnel can go there. For god's sake, don't try to trespass, you will get fired immediately!" Sky replied.

Rain nodded repeatedly, he took a tray and filled the clean glasses with more champagne, then he walked out of the kitchen. He was a little too silent though...

Sky thought that Rain went to the entrance hall, he couldn't know that he managed to get upstairs from the emergency stairwell right outside the building. As he got to the right floor, he noticed that the waiters up there were dressed just like him. He probably only had to avoid the director but luckily he was nowhere to be found.

A nice melody filled the air while the objects of the auction were shown to the guests. Rain's eyes widened as he saw all those necklaces with nice gems, the bright diamond rings and gold bracelets. His eyes eventually landed on Payu. The young architect was sitting on a blue sofa with some other people.

Those few seconds felt like a lifetime. Rain's heart started beating faster and faster as his mind finally realized his feelings for that young guy sitting in front of him. His excitement, his love and passion for Payu quickly turned darker and darker. The distance between them wasn't just a matter of meters, it was an abyss. His heart full of love quickly sank in desperation: why was Payu supposed to like him back? What could Rain possibly offer? Was he as handsome as those people around the love of his life? Was he as rich or smart as them?

Rain gulped and turned away. He needed to leave immediately, he wanted to hide from the whole world after that terrible moment, but as he looked away, he found the eyes of an intimidating man glaring at him.

That man moved his index to call a bodyguard who was standing quite close to him. The guard bowed and listened to the man orders. Rain left the tray on a table and ran away as quickly as he could. The student hid in the locker room. He hugged his knees and started crying. The sobs caught Sky's attention, who immediately recognized his friend and ran to him.

"You went upstairs, didn't you? Did anyone beat you up? Just tell me and I will make them regret their deeds!" Sky said as he sat down in front of his friend.

"No... it is all my fault... I messed up again... you were right all along, Sky. You thought you were just joking but I've finally realized that I really love Payu. Do you know what it means?" Rain said looking up at his friend.

"Yeah, that you're a dumbass. To be honest, I don't understand why you're crying after this." Sky said with a sarcastic tone.

"Stop joking! Tell me the truth, it is just a crush... it will fade soon and eventually I will just laugh thinking about it, is it true?" Rain asked. Sky sighed and placed a hand on his friend's chest.

"I'll be frank with you, how am I supposed to know if it is a crush or not? It is your heart, not mine. I can only tell you that I will be by your side to comfort you if things will go wrong, but you can't ask me anything more than that, because everything depends on you, Rain"

Pol opened the door of the locker room and found the two boys sitting on the floor, he grabbed Rain's arm and pulled him.

"You messed up this time, kid..."

"I know" both Sky and Rain thought. What they didn't know is that the same sentence had two totally different meanings to them. 

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now