Chapter 47

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Gun walked closer to Rain and removed the tissue from the boy's mouth. Rain glared at him and said:

"You wanted me, didn't you? Then why did you involve him? Why!?"

Gun looked at him pitiful and laughed for a while, he turned to him with anger in his eyes and pulled the guy's hair to force him to look up, he looked at him for a while, as if the wait could make his prey taste more delicious to his perverted mouth.

"You? You really think that I want you? Who would possibly want someone like you? Even Venice dates you just because he feels pitiful around you. No ... no my dear little Rain, you aren't my prey, you're the bait" Gun said and laughed again.

In the meanwhile, Payu rushed to his fathers, he explained them that Gun kidnapped Rain and that he had to rescue him. He said that he had to go alone but he gave them the address, so that they could arrive while he was distracting them.

A few more minutes and the plan was active. Payu got on his motorbike and drove as fast as he could to reach that location. He entered the abandoned building and looked around. Gun managed to hear his footsteps, he turned to on of the henchmen and pointed at the syringe that was on the table.

"Venice, nice to see you again" Gun said.

"Rain, don't worry, it will be over soon" Payu said with a calm voice.

Rain, on the other hand, couldn't help but shift in the chair continuously, he had a piece of cloth in his mouth and couldn't say anything, he just wanted to warn Payu about the danger but how could he do that.

"Tell me what you want, I'll do it" Payu said to Gun, who pointed the gun at him and said: "lay down on the floor, with your face down... now!"

Venice, grinning, nodded and did as he was told to do. He got on the floor with his face against the cold and dirty tiles of the floor. Before he could react, he felt a boot pressing on his back, it was pressing so hard that it made it hard to breathe. Venice tried to fight back, he tried to turn and counter attack but there was no use, he felt a needle pass through his neck, he could almost feel the fluid entering his veins. He looked up one last time and saw a desperate Rain tied to a chair.

"Hurry up, take both of them to the van before they arrive" Gun said, knowing that Payu surely gave his location to someone else. Before they could leave though, he left Rain's phone and Payu's one on the same table where the syringe was. He couldn't let them track him down.

Vegas, Pete and some bodyguards finally arrived but it was already too late, there was nothing left inside the building except the two phones.

"Finally, all done..." Gun said as he ordered his men to place Rain's chair in front of the bed. He removed the cloth from his mouth and the blindfold from his eyes. Rain didn't want to believe what he saw.

"Good morning Venice" Gun said as he noticed that the son of the former heir of the minor family opened his eyes. Venice still felt dizzy after getting that drug, he could barely move but his brain was functional enough to understand what was going on. He was tied to a bed, he barely had any clothes on.

"I'm going to make you scream so loud, my sweet Venice..."

A.N. There is no turning back now...   

Tempest (Payu/Venice X Rain, Love in the air / Kinnporsche crossover)Where stories live. Discover now