Chapter 6: Goddesses Heart

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as Artemis sat in a nearly broken chair that seemingly had makeshift maintenance to be able to hold someone's weight which Artmeis didn't trust entirely and prepared herself to brace incase it snaps and she need's to catch herself, Bell made some tea from tea leaves he was able to get from his travels for them as he wanted to welcome Artemis into the rundown underground basement nearly any better than the surface of the church that he and Hestia called home, as far as Artemis could tell from first impressions, Bell was protective and wasn't even hesitating to shoot her if she was an intruder, and from her later impressions of Bell, she saw he's well mannered and behaved, though, she had to know more before making a final assessment, so once Bell was done with the tea, he gave the good cup to Artemis and took the one with the crack in it making it filled only halfway, Artemis noticed this even if it was for a second, and sipped the tea, it was great, it was silky smooth, the temperature was just right, not too hot and not too cold, and the hint of mint and honey only made the tea that much better, Artemis was surprised by the tea's quality and flavor and had to snap back to talk to Bell and evaluate him better.

Artemis:" so then Mr. Cranel, thank you for letting me enter your home on such short notice"

Bell:" please goddess Artemis, just Bell if fine goddess Artemis, it feels inappropriate to have a goddess such as yourself refer to me in such a way"

Artemis:" oh really, well, if you're so formal with me calling me goddess Artemis, then I need to be as formal back, it's a sign of respect, as a member of Hestia's Familia, why not just address me as Artemis as a sign of good faith between Allie Familias, besides, contrary to belief, god's don't like to be referred to by formalities, it's just putting to much work in talking after all, we prefer to be able to speak out minds and say what's on them then put up a face, so please, just call my by my given name without any formalities please, I don't mind"

Artemis's thoughts:" of course, that only applies to those who are respectful of us, if you were rude to me for no reason, I wouldn't allow such, but since you were so polite and well-mannered, I don't care much"

Bell blushed a bit as he struggled to call Artemis just by her name, and Artemis saw immediately what Rose mean by being so easy to tease, she tried and failed to hold in her chuckle when he finally did manage to say her name without formalities in such a soft voice that even her werewolf ears could nearly hear it.


Artemis:" (calming down from her chuckling) sorry sorry, but it's not every day you meet someone who's so embarrassed and blushing so hard just to say someone's name without formalities... you're a good, honest, innocent kid"

Bell:" I try my best to show respect and honor someone upon meeting them if they show they are good people, isn't that what you're supposed to do with anyone you meet that shows you the same"

Artemis:" absolutely, always show respect to those who show respect to you upon first meeting them if they are respectful and kind"

Bell:" though for those who do not should not be given the effort in being treated seriously, and you stay away from them as well"

Artemis:" agreed, those who are rude are not worth your time"

it was at this point the two of them got comfortable, and for the next 20 minutes, Artemis talk's to Bell more on many topics to evaluate him, and she honestly had a good talk with him, since Bell was a hunter, the 2 of them had a lot in common and talked about hunting and their way to hunt, and surprisingly, Bell also hunted in a very similar way to Artemis, so she was able to follow Bell's story of hunting as if she was there, she honestly had a great time talking to Bell as he was both a great listener and easy to talk to, then Hestia came as Hestia was flabbergasted by what she saw, she saw her friend Artemis enjoying a conversation with a man, a boy nearing manhood more accurately, but still, Artemis showed respect to few men, but it was always professional, and even then, she kept a distance from them even in conversation, but this, this was a sight to behold for sure, one that made Hestia smirk as she decided to pull a little prank on her friend by teasing Artemis with one sentence.

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