Development Abilities Explained

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Regeneration: This skill helps heal the body when damaged or help's nullify damaging effects some skills or development abilities have, this also makes any injury one receives able to completely heal by the next day, this skill also helps numb most pain and give resistance to most poisonous plants or items and harmful elements to their body like hunger or sickness, however, this cannot regenerate a lost limb or prevent death from an impaled heart or decapitation

with Bell's current Regeneration at H rank, he would be able to regrow any of his lost skin and muscle from the dungeon acid walls and floors in seconds, but more severe injuries like broken bones and deep cuts into flesh wills till take time to heal

Mind Eye of Future Sence: This Development Ability is to foresee or to sense and avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience, the accuracy of this instinct can be augmented by the rank itself, meaning that it gets stronger and more accurate the higher the rank becomes, the ability also grants an effect of offering resistance against penalties caused by visual obstructions as it heightens capacity for observation to a danger-avoidance ability that utilizes the intelligence collected up to the current time as the basis in order to predict the opponent's activity and change the current situation so long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning

and for Bell, this make's him able to detect anything's eyes on him, so as long as you're looking at him, he can detect your eyes looking at him, this is not normal and exclusive to Bell, maybe as a warning to see who he should be careful of


Avenger: a Development Ability that is developed upon an undying and insatiable hatred, bloodlust, and anger within someone or something that they want to be destroyed even if it cost them their lives or the lives of others around them, this ability makes any and all damage that is taken (without counting the damage nullification provided by this ability) able to have attack power that is 1 level above there standard level to an enemy in a fight, however, in order for this ability to be active, the user must hate the enemy they're fighting with all their being while also cutting any damage they do receive by 90%, otherwise, they'll receive triple damage from the enemy they face while also having any damage they do to them be as if they are 2 level's below there standard level otherwise, especially if they hate themselves more which would then, in which case, they will suffer a form of madness that will slowly drive them to suicide by any mean's, no matter how slow or painful it is, a complete form of self destruction that make's the person with this ability there own undeniable and undefeatable worse enemy, forcing them to hate everyone and everything in the world or be completely void of emotion of any kind to anything at all if they wish to live long enough to get there goal that gave them this cursed ability in the first place or to become emotionles husk without any emotion at all, like a living doll, not helped by the side effects of the skill as well

The side effects of this development ability also come's at a great and near unbearable cost that will drive many to suicide, such as the fact they are unable to reproduce (for males, they have erectile dysfunction, and for women, they will lose the ability to properly reproduce by being almost completely infertile, and any child they somehow do conceive will be stillborn or become a miscarriage, aside from Demigods who are immune to the negative effects of Avenger), they are unable to taste food or drinks, not even being able to feel spiciness or even the texture of food they eat as it all seem's like blank mush to them, there emotion's are also altered to make them have either no positive or neutral emotions and only negative emotion's such as anger or discust, also attributed to there fit's of rage, anger, and aggretion, unable to feel thing's like love, care, or even compattion, so while they can protect people, they only do so out of obligation of following orders instead of anything such as a sense of care or concern, and when their allies die, they feel neither pity, regret, nor sadness, and anytime they are confronted with something, there first instinct will be along the lines of "can I use this to make me stornger", "kill it", or "we can't avoid fighting" this mindset is all they can think of since it help's further there revenge fulled lives even at the expense of everyone else which is why many turn and attack or kill there allies in the middle of battle at times, having only the want to get stronger and the need to seek there vengance as there only motive in life, it's also why many female's with this skill seek sexual plesaure since they can still feel sex and the pleasures of it even if they can't express it for a little sense of pleasure they can have

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