Chapter 26 Battle of Monsterphelia

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Bell and Enia's hearts sank, an infant dragon, while Bell was thinking it was a high-level Familia who did this, that was blocked out by the sheer fear he had, the silverback was one thing, but the infant dragon, this wasn't a small thing anymore, Bellw as so scared, he could have sworn he vomited due to his stomach turning so hard at that moment while cold sweats were leaking from every part of his body, the last time he faced an infant dragon was about 4 years ago, and he nearly lost everyone in his hunting party in the process, but the experience alone was enough to scar him from dragon-like enemies from that point on, then Enia slapped him to wake him up with a sudden shock.

Enia:" Bell, now's not the time to be scared, I understand why you're scared, but don't fail on me now, I'll take care of the dragon, you take care of the silverback"

Bell:"... okay"

Bell's thoughts:" I won't tell her "by myself" simply because it's going to be easier on both of us if we have a 1on 1 for each instead of a 2 on 2, also, if I'm somehow able to beat the Silverback, I'll be able to help Enia even if a little"

Bell knew it was a long shot, infant dragons are tough enough to make even a level 4 like Enia think twice about facing it alone, if at all, but Bell had to trust Enia's abilities and face his monster, so he charged the Silverback with a gusto as the silverback threw its arm as the chain holding it swung at Bell, using his sword to cut the chain remembering having Hestia update his Dunamis beforehand in anticipation.

thankfully, due to how the Dunamis works, Hestia could actually hold onto it while Bell moves, while they don't activate till the card is returned into the person's body again, it helped as Bell was able to cut the chain easily, and then follow up with a downward slash to the shoulder of the silverback. Still, the silverback catches the blade with its palms as Bell is surprised, the silverback then twists the blade to bite Bell's face, bell bearly dodges the attack as he then knees the face of the monster's jaw. Still, it then gets thrown into the stall behind him, shattering it as parts fo the wood and metal behind Bell impale into his body, one metal bar even puncturing one of his lungs as Bell spit's out blood from his mouth and moves before the silverback can flatten Bell, this wasn't going to be an easy fight.

Enia was having just as much luck as Bell was having currently, she charged the dragon that has landed, dodging the dragon's fire breath as she slashed at the dragon's eyes, which because the dragon closed its eyes in the split second, deflected Enias blades as the dragon went to bite her in half for Enia to dodge it by twisting her body to handstand on the dragon's closed mouth as she then jumps to slash at it's back, which due to being reinforced with what seems like thicker scales, only slightly damages the dragon's scales.

The dragon's tail then grabs Enia as she is then bashed to the ground, breaking 4 ribs and knocking the wind out of Enia as she forces herself to move before the tail can crush Enia, though it grazes her leg, ripping the clothes on that part of her leg as well as giving Enia a cut that would have her bleed a bit, Enia pushing past this to then chant a spell.

Enia:" the rivers of the elven first run long and prosperous"

the dragon claws at Enia as she dodges the dragon's attacks and continues her attacks as she tried to do any damage she can while she continues her chant, attacking its chest, arms, legs, anything for a decent hit.

Enia:" the water flows unhindered by rock, tree, or pond to the oceans of the god Rán"

the dragon gets a close hit on Enia as it gets a scratch at Enia's left arm that almost cut's bone, and Enia finishes her chant as the dragon open's its mouth to use its breath attack.

Enia:" the elves of the ocean aid me now, my name is Alf, Deep Sashelas"

then a strong water blast hit's the dragon that counters it by firing its breath attack, but due to it firing it late, it only slightly lessen's Enia's attack as the attack still hit's the dragon, and while the dragon did indeed lost its wings, the rest of its body is left unharmed as Enia is shocked and scared now.

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