Lefiya Viridis status

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Lefiya Viridis ( Green"(Neutral Good): these are people who lean more on the good side when they help people selflessly, at times, they won't ask for compensation, but they won't exactly work for free, they also are willing to turn against their team if they believe they are in the wrong if they won't face reason and deny the truth, who can see their enemies as people no matter what, and who can care for people more than anyone else)

(contrary to Ais who sees the world in black and white, Lefiya is more open to the idea of  things not being so simple and accepting the grey area of morality and life)

Loki Familia (due to being in the Loki familia, Lefiya has an increase in her Magic's strength and longevity as well as being partially immune to illusions and mental-based attacks, for mages, this is especially beneficial as their magic is far stronger in battle)



Strength 602C - 604C

Vitality 668C - 672C

Dexterity 799B - 800A

Agility 866A - 867A

Magic 889A - 890A

Attack 909S - 910S

Defense 899A - 900S

Resistance 636C - 638C

Speed 897A - 898A

Mana 970S - 971S

(due to mages needing to be as effective vanguard as they are in mage craft due to the fact that the monsters in the dungeon are smarter the longer they're alive thus making ambushes common, many mages are effective in vanguard as much as back row)


Elf Ring: Elf Ring is a summon burst that allows Lefiya to use any magic used by an Elf, so long as she knows the chant and effects of said magic. It uses Mana for the summon burst and for the magic used. If the Elf whose magic she's using has the Development Ability Mage, the color of her own magic circle will change to match theirs while she's using their magic

due to Lefiya being able to use any elven magic, listing the magic she could use would be near impossible to do accurately even if we go with spells she's used before, however, she does have standard magic for healing, defense, and attack single and AOE

(normally I'd list the spells someone can use, however, with Lefiya, I feel she can be given a pass on this since I plan for her to have tons of spells, and listing them here would take up to much space for a character sheet)

Development Abilities

Grand Leader A

Battle Continuation B

Caster E

Hercules Strength I


Acrobat B: this increases the acrobatic ability of the user with incredible nimbleness, body movement, flips, and jumps, and also an increase in the user's climbing and maneuvering in tight or limited-spaced areas

for Lefiya, this make's her natural Elfen agility even more impressive than it already is, with almost snake-like bending and reflexes as well as being able to move and travel through tight spaces half her bodies size with ease as well

Divine Mage A: this skill has one with Magecraft, Fast Chanter, Clairvoyance, Intuition, and Overload Mana, with this skill, it's more of increasing magical ability and affinity than anything, also allowing a mage to use any spell within the element/elements of magic they are best affiliated with a resistance to mental fatigue when they run out of mana, as well as have some divinity in the magic itself for divine magic attacks

for Lefiya, this is a massive boost in her power since each of these helps her in many ways from chant speed to the ability to see partially in the future, for Lefiya as the dark elf princess, this makes her well-liked for the next in line to the crown

Paladin C: This is a special skill that incorporates Swordsman, Archer, Spearman, Mount, and Grand Saint as this is a special skill that incorporates multiple weapon enhancements in one, however, as this is a jack-of-all-trades skill, the common rule in this kind of case is that the skills associated with this skill are one grade below, so someone with this ranked at C has everything it incorporates at D, however, this is still a very good skill for those who use multiple kinds of weapons

for a mage like Lefiya, this actually helps her out a lot, given she needs to act like a vanguard at times, this helps boost that just by a little, and with a boost to her melee attacks like this, it can help her out in a pinch

Protection of the Faries: this is similar to getting the blessings of a certain creature like the Fairies or Nymphs, giving special powers and abilities such as walking on water or immunity to charm or mental attacks, or a form of divinity, and if you have protection from a divine being, you can be granted a form of Divinity, meaning you can pierce the divine armor of people with the Divinity skill

with Protection of the Faries, Lefiya has special healing properties similar to regeneration, but it drains Mana from Lefiya to use it as well as winds that protect her from most projectile and long-range magic attacks, while it can't defend against anything that hit's at a level higher than her own, she is safe from any and all long-range attacks so long as they are solid or magical objects, so liquids can still bypass this defense

Blessed ability

Blessing of Titiana: with the blessings of Tatiana, Lefiya has increased magical power, all her spells are quadrupled in their power in attack, defense, longevity, and effects while also cutting the Mana she would need by half as well as removing the effects of mind down when she runs out of Mana

Curse: none

Authors notes

I made Lefiya's change to Lefiya in order to show how mages are in my version of Danmachi and how they perform in combat, and also to show how Lefiya as a character can be explained for her actions as she's in a cycle of near-endless puberty where her hormones are out of control

as for how she will treat Bell, given she's a little over 50 years old and has somewhat of a 5-year-old's personality given how elves age in my story, she will be the type to act like an adult, but when put in a sudden stressful situation, will show her elven age at times, explaining Lefiya's impulsive nature in Danmachi far more

many of Lefiya's skill and Development Ability changes pertain to Leviya being more used and accommodated to a vanguard role more than a mage due to her struggle to be able to act as a mage instead of a vanguard given the environment and conditions a good mage in this world needs since acting as both is a mandatory thing for mages to excel in Danmachi, also why there aren't many in Danmachi now

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