Chapter 20 Double Life

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(spoilers for Anime and Manga only people as well as very dark content, you have been warned)

after Lefiya left the dungeon when she was with Bell, she left for her Familia's home, similar to the other Familia's homes, but these ones had paintings of balloons and curses with thor and Odin's names on them as per Loki's request, and entering her home, she saw as Loki was preparing for the god's banquet, and getting a list of gods to ask favors from, Lefiya saw it as sad, but necessary, technically, she could ask her mother to help pay it off, but considering she knows for a fact her mother has a set of archery dummies with Loki and Freya's face on them, so Lefiya left it be, she as just going to go to her room and relax, she then got a knock as her door as she was doing handstand pushups, sit-ups (or sit-downs since she's upside down), and air squats with level 3 (special magic weights that are heavy for the person's level but only to people and not the world itself, my justification for using this without it weighting as much as dozen's of mountains in some cases that breaks the ground) leg and arm weights that covered her entire calf and forarms along with a weighted vest and a weighted cloak she tied to not fall on her face, and got down on her feet to see who she got mail from, and as expected, she got a note from her mother.

Lefiya:" oh, a note from mother, I wonder what it says, let's see (note) dear my sweet angelic snuggly wuggly- oh goddess no- (clearing throat), I am happy to tell you that I plan to come to visit tomorrow morning and to tell you in advance so you can be dressed so the stewardess doesn't egg you on as I know she will if you appear before me in anything else, I hope you are in good health and can't wait to see you, sincerely, your mother, Vannea Viridis"

Lefiya:" moms coming to visit, YAY, I mean, it will be nice to see her again" 

deciding to leave it for later, Lefiya told the executives about the meal and they came to eat with Bell, who after winning their meal challenge and leaving, they stay to reap the benefits of their meal now that it was free, talking about Bell while he was gone.

Lefiya:" he's a very kind person who's clearly determined once he's set his mind to something"

Finn:" only make's me feel worse he got caught up in our mistake"

Riveria:" he's also smart, he made sure to get spicy food to help dull the spiciness with some strongly flavored wings to help it go down faster and to help put a fresh taste in his mouth to help him chew more"

Gareth:" I would have also passed if not for that bitch putting Ipecac in my drink which I chugged when I was drowning out the food's dull flavors and nearly making me chock to death"

Riveria:" you were hospitalized for 4 weeks, and yet, Syr said you lost "Fair and Square" so you had to pay up... sometimes I think we should have let you maul her for that to be honest"

Anya:" if you are going to kill her, can you make sure whoever she has connections with isn't here, we all expect Syr to be killed by someone someday, but we don't want to be in the middle of it if it can be helped"

Lefiya:" god's and goddesses knows I expect her to be killed for her antics one of these days, and when it does happen, I am going to be smiling like no other I don't have to risk eating her food or being caught up in one of her scams and antics again, and if worse comes to worse, I can just leave for about 100 years getting stronger in the Elven dungeon once again and Syr would likely be dead by old age, since she's a human, I have the advantage in the waiting game"

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