Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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when man was close to ending the age of gods, the gods descended to become part of man's life to avoid being left behind, nobody truly knows why the gods did this, all that is known is that they presented the races of the mortal world with power that rivals even the heroes of old, they were granted the power to destroy mountain's with their bare fist, to move so fast, light seems as if it's standing still, to be so durable, it's as if they are indestructible, however, this level of power was not for everyone, the power they were promised was to be earned there rigorous hard work and dedication over years of someone's life, it wasn't just given, it was earned, and very few would even achieve said power, let alone the one's who came so close to it, nevertheless, there are those who strive to get stronger, for whatever reason, they did, some wanted fame, some wanted power, some wanted riches, all could be offered at one of the 15 dungeons in the world, they are in many famous cities around the world, Alfheim, Atlantis, Themyscira, but the most famous of them all which is said to rest upon the center of the world, is called Oranio, where one young boy hopes to become able to one of the legend's himself.

the gates of Oranio, a city on the coast of an ocean that connects half the world to one another, a city with giant walls so large, you'd think they were mountains with only a single tower visible from the top said to contain a city so large, even the largest of islands are said to be smaller than this city, said walls radiating Mana as they generate an endless anti-magic field, making one think it would withstand the attack of a god or goddess using other divine power, the entrance he was going through was the entrance for anyone who wasn't there for business, each entrance had a drop bridge wide enough to let 5 carriages pass through with ease and long enough to stretch over any river to let you cross seemingly, and on the sides of the bridge as well as the middle, knight's in shiny silver armor holding shield's and spears were always at the ready, there power radiating off them from their mere presence, and Bell had to wait for about 4 hours before being able to register in, he wondered why it took so long, but then found out that unless you were local or on business, you can't just enter or exit as you please, and even then, there is a waiting period even if it wasn't as long, from here, the young man, Bell Cranel would be able to take his first steps toward his dream.

Bell:" (breath in and out) (slap his face) okay, calm, and collected"

Guard 1: hello young man, are you visiting, or are you planning to move in, though, if I had to guess by the luggage and your age, you're thinking of becoming an adventurer, am I correct"

Bell:" umm, yes sir, I plan to become an adventurer... sir"

Guard 2:" Relax kid, it's a simple procedure, now, fill out this registration form and answer everything as truthfully as you can"

after about 10 minutes, Bell was done filling out the paper and gave it to the guards, they seemed suspicious as normally, it takes half an hour to finish this, at least someone without a Dunamis to help increase the perception and speed anyway, so they looked to see if anything was skimmed over, but then say the family registration on any relatives, and read what he put, they then felt sorry for the kid as they let Bell pass without issue, and with that, Bell entered, he was greeted by a slope that seemed to stop him from being able to see the city of Oranio, as he went up, the sun hit his eyes as he got to see it now, the city was huge, there were building's that seemed 3 or 5 stories up, there was a tall building in the center that seemed to connect the divine realm with the mortal world that had colorful spirals going up as if it was divine magic power raining down on the world, and while he coulnd't see everything from the ground, he was sure to find something if he headed to the tall building in what seemed like the center of the city.

Bell:" This place is amazing, I bet I can get a better look at it going to the center"

as Bell moved to go to the center of the city, the large tower in the center glowed as the color's shined down and showed a wonderful light that didn't blind anyone but mesmerized everyone who saw from its seemingly divine gaze, confused about what just happened he asked a stranger next to him what that was.

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