Bell's weapons

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here is the weapon type, description, and abilities of Bell's weapons

some base abilities, like growing stronger with its user and being alive as a living weapon imbued with Hestia's hair and ichor, and being able to conduct magic, each weapon has special functions that only they can do

twin Daggers

he keeps one in his boot and another in a wrist holster

looks the same as in the anime and manga

special ability: the daggers are able to cut quietly, meaning anything they stab, cut, or kill is silent to the point where almost no noise can be heard, it also nullifies pain where enemies won't even be able to feel the blade itself and die before they notice at times even if they have a bone broken or cut in half, lot's of its stealth aspects, however, depend entirely on Bell's Abilities however

twin Hunting Swords

he keeps both of them in special holders that are underneath his jacket (similar to Bete in the Manga)

imagine Emiya's Kanshou and Bakuya, but in the form of the Hestia Knife

special ability: the ability of the hunting swords is being able to perform what is known as a "shadow cut", this being a form of extending its maximum range, both to hit dodging enemies from a certain distance and do more damage when striking, because of this, opponents can be caught off guard to how they get hit even when digging the blade itself, though this only work's to about 2 feet at most, and at times, if the enemies magic resistance is high enough, can just tank this shadow cut with minimal damage


he has this on the right side of his belt due to having a standard holster instead of one that could allow him to put it on his back, and also because Bell has a backpack on due to not having Lily join him yet

a single-edge long sword, imagine Bell's knife in a sword form but with a thicker design, not so thick, that it is too thick, but not so thin that it can be mistaken as a straight Katana

special ability: the strike of the sword is able to nullify magic attacks or spells being cast, so if you strike a magic item, spell, or attack with this sword, it can either weaken it or completely nullify it, the strength of this nullification depends on Bell's strength, so anyone of his level, if he is using Ki, can always completely nullify their magic, but someone like Line who is level 3 is beyond what Bell could completely nullify, and the magic itself will be enough to knock him back if it hits him head on

bow (arrows are plain arrows, but the feats and abilities apply no matter the quality of the arrow)

Bell carries his bow on his shoulder like a one-arm sling to be able to get it off quickly, he also has his quiver on the back of his belt over his hunting swords

the bow looks like Atalanta's bow from the Fate series, the best description I could come up with

special ability: each and every arrow used with this bow can be empowered with magic and also become encompassed in light to help it travel faster, able to travel fast enough for even Bell to hit people who are 2 levels above his own, it also has the special ability to piece any armor and magical defense, however, shields and magic shield's can still stop and block these arrows

sword staff

due to its size, Bell has to hold it with one hand at all times, and upon getting his magic cloak, he kept it in there

the spear look's like your standard spear, however, the speartip is similar in design to a double edge long sword, standard for this kind of weapon

special ability: when it is thrown at an enemy, it automatically tracks them until it either kills or wounds them, hitting any part of their body, oftentimes destroying it, while stronger opponents, like if Bell fought against someone like Ottar or Finn would be more than durable enough to tank this attack from a level 1 Bell even with him using Ki to technically be a level 2, as Bell gets stronger, this will be more deadly, but even someone like Hyakinthos would be able to take this attack without worry as Bell is now

foldable shield

the foldable shield act's like arm armor, so Bell can carry it on his person at all times without issue of it getting in the way

imagine the god of war foldable shield, but black in color with runes all over it (as well as the main inspiration for the shield in the first place)

special ability: this shield is able to return physical attacks with more than double their original strength while in contact with the shield, and for physical attacks imbued with magic, it will also the magical abilities along with the physical attacks with more than double their original strength while in contact with the shield, long-range attacks or magic attacks from afar can't trigger this effect, however, it has to make physical contact with the shield

authors notes

in my version, many of these weapon's abilities are actually common for many weapons adventures have due to runes being engraved on weapons being common, especially if they want to progress further in the dungeon, so what Bell has isn't special if you look around and the abilities his weapons have are actually mid in many cases as well, still, for Bell to get them is incredible, and I also changed the fact that Bell's Mithril weapons are not as rare as they seem being a change I wanted namely because even if it is disgraceful, it's still something I feel should have been explored more

the fact I have Runes replace hieroglyphs is something I did namely because I wanted more magical properties added to them since it seems interesting, and also a good contrast to magic swords and weapons with runes, the main difference being that while the magic swords give you more power that needs no skill, rune weapon's require training, skill, and tactical strategy to use, making it unappealing to many compared to a magic sword which gives you quick power far faster without the need to practice or study anything, also why a majority of smith's hate magic swords, but love rune weapons and study their entire lives to master runes and loath an order for a magic sword

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