Ova: the Xeno's Duty

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what you're about to read is a classified document only level 6 and above personnel are allowed to read, at a date that shall be classified, this document and all associated documents are the property of the guild, and are subject to the classification requirements and restrictions therein. attempting to access or disseminate this document without proper and sufficient authorization is punishable by death.

guild receptionist captain Rose Fannett made contact with what would now be known as Xenos, after her findings, the guild held a meeting on the matter and has now authorized the expedition of first contact.

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

log entry 1: the guild upon becoming aware of the Xenos within the dungeon as well as their capabilities and advanced intelligence to allow fluent and coherent communication had ordered the Athena Familia to make contact but not to engage with the intent to kill, upon finding and talking to them, the Xenos have since then joined the Guild as a special group called "Pandoras Box"

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

Testing 1: the experiment to see if a Xenos can be granted a Dunamis, which will be given by Athena has been given the go-ahead by command, test result, successful, a Dunamis is successfully placed on Xenos of any kind without any abnormalities"

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

log entry 2: the Xenos as of now have been employed by the guild and are to be given level 6 clearance of the guild, as well as be allowed assess to the surface under supervision from the guild under the guides of being a captured or tamed monster once they pass basic training, and all adventurers who oppose the Xeno's are to be dealt with accordingly, either by subduing and being given amnestic treatment or immediate termination to maintain relations with the Xenos

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

Testing 2: Xenos level up test to see if level up of Xeno's is possible with a Dunamis, test result, successful, Xenos level up is without any abnormalities, Skill and Development Ability differences that are not shown to other people with Dunamis, test result, failure, no abnormal skills or additional skills for their level are visible at this time, standby for more information"

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

log entry 3: after 6 years of service, the Xenos have taken down 95% of Evilus members, all operations in the process of being made and then stopped by Pandora's Box, and give vital intel on potential supporters and suppliers of Evilus as well as those who work with Evilus, and in accordance with the law, all who deal and work with Evilus shall be executed for treason, attempted and aiding in genocide, terrorism, and mass destruction or property, and smuggling of illegal goods

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

log entry 4: as of this year, Pandora's Box has successfully terminated up to 10,000 Evilus members, making the known members and gods of their Familia go down to about 2,000 suspected numbers, prevented the genocide of Oranio more than 4 dozen times, and in term's of special missions the guild has issued, has successfully mapped, scouted, and obtained vital resources, materials, and information from and of the dungeon, allowing an income increase of about 10,000,000,000,000 Valas as of this year

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

Testing 3: testing to gift magic spells to Xenos using a standard grimoire, test result, success, a magic spell has successfully been added to Xenos without abnormalities, and the spells themselves are voiceless incantation, meaning the monsters can use the spells without the need of a chant, a given for their race as we learned of now, using multiple grimoires to test if more than the cap 9 spell limit of 3 offensive spells, 3 defensive spells, and 3 support spells can be added, test result, success, while not all the Xenos could pass this level cap, certain monster types are capable of doing so, such as Harpy, Siren, and Mermaid

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

log entry 5: the termination of about 80 adventures to maintain good relations with the Xenos has been authorized and legalized by the guild, as their deaths are classified as "KIA" by the dungeon, the guild has sought approval from the head to allow the Xenos a kill order for all adventures who oppose them if they cannot be subdued, and if they survive the encounter, a guild officer will ensure their death once they reach the surface to maintain the privacy of their existence and capabilities from the public, should it become public knowledge, the guild have many plans to set in motion when such a day arrives

The Department of Dungeon Exploration Research (or DER)

subject: Xeno's Contact AAR

date: Redacted

log entry 6: the expansion of Pandora's Box has gained a total of plus 400 members, as of now, the branching of their units is authorized by the guild, no more than 50 can be in one unit as of now, divided into teams who operate in specific fields, the guild has also found sanction to allow one unit to remain within the guild building under the guides of being tamed monsters of the Familia, any and all who notice something off about them will be given amnestic treatment and set up to appear to have drunk a lot at a bar to provide secrecy and maintain good relations with the Xenos

end of AAR 

current affairs with the Xenos are well maintained and unified as the Xenos continue to aid the guild in dungeon matters, getting far more vital and useful information than before, saving and processing Oranio and other dungeons years ahead, as of now, relations to Familia's knowing and accepting the Xeno's has progressed substantially as the Genehsa, Aphrodite, Artemis, Ishtar, and Hephaestus Famiilias being able to form a connection and allied themselves with them, further Familias consideration of being aware of Xeno's existence is underway, and the termination of all Ikelos and suspected cooperating Soma Familia members is underway

authors note

to those wondering, yes, this is another SCP reference in both format and naming of their special forces, only this one has a happier ending and more anomalies involved

I am not entirely sure how military AAR reports are made, but since this is a medieval fantasy world, I'm throwing myself a bone here and having it be formed like this, the logs here are the skimmed-down versions of the actual ones that are 2-3 pages long, but this is the basic idea

in this world, if Ryuu did kill everyone involved with Evilus like in Cannon, the guild wouldn't even have her marked as a criminal, instead, they'd recruit her as their special forces captain and kill anyone who wished to say otherwise, even opposing the Loki and Freya Familia is not out of the question as they don't care about their opinions as they are not government bodies, plus, this version of the guild's done FAR worse than Ryuu did so adding off what she did is easy

for my version of the Xenos, their existence by the guild is known, and are given benefits for helping the guild, as well as have a valid reason to oppose the Loki Familia from killing them and give a server consequence for killing the Xenos making Finn's choice to kill not only result in killing innocence but also aiding Evilus by removing their greatest hurdle from killing Oranio, making another reson for a Loki Civil war

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