Chapter 19 the Meeting

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on his way home, he dropped off his new weapons, wondering how he was going to use them in combas considering he can't possibly carry them all and still fight how he's use to, considering taking only spare ones at times, and then got the guild card he hid earlier, he then decided to pay a visit only because he needed to confirm something with them knowing anything about him and headed to the guild at night where nobody was around, but a singular light at a door with the number 6 over it, this wasn't a room number, this was the level of security clearance you need to enter, and since it had a light on it, Bell knew one thing, he then got the card, and opened the door, walking in, he saw stairs leading up and then walked up them, he didn't have weapon's on him so he headed till he saw a room with the same number 6 on top, he then used the card again and entered a room where he saw a single table with 3 chairs, he couldn't see well in the dark, but he felt the stares of the people's eyes.

Bell:" I know you 2 are there, I can't see you, but I can feel your gaze on me"

Fels:"... you're more perceptive than we originally thought"

Rose:" certainly more than able to know his surroundings, he's promising"

Bell:" so, this meeting with these guild members, what is this about"

Rose:" let me explain, we at the guild have many things we need to take care of, however, more than 90% of our actual work is under the darkness of night if you know what I mean"

Bell:" and you need people to act as a sort of secret police where the people can let their guard down and we do thing's against most of the laws to get thing's done, is that it"

Fels:" you catch on fast, a lot of the things we do here at the guild are in the morally grey only, we are neither black nor white in anything even though we need to seem that way in public, so we need people to act as our hand at times"

Bell:" and you're asking me to join"

Rose:" correct, I myself became a member after the incident from 7 years ago, one you helped to mitigate damage in, technically speaking, since then, we've been looking for you to recruit you since, to think you were only 7 or 8 by then"

Bell:"... I assume you're not just asking me to work for free"

Fels:" you will get double the worth of the Magic Stones you bring as well as have half your Familia's taxes "paid" for as well as be given certain privileges as well, and for any and all "Fines" we have to give your Familia, consider it only a piece of paper with words on it and nothing more, and even if you do have to pay, you only have to pay half of what's on the paper anyway"

Bell:" so you double the price of the fine to compensate"

Rose:" catches on real fast, but still, you will also be allowed to break some laws, some publicly, some in the shadows, for instance, say you kill someone, so long s there are no credible witnesses even if his criminal buddies try to say you killed a friend of theirs... we'll look the other way and say they are full of it"

Bell:" sound's like a slippery slope"

Fels:" we have procedures and protocols, help's paint a line, but don't take the rules as an absolute but a guide instead"

Bell:"... I guess this is how order is really maintained in Oranio"

Rose:" with how the gods and goddesses are, we have to do this or there would be uncontrolled chaos"

Bell:"... I'll join, but on the condition that my identity is hidden, and whenever I meet other members, I hide my face with a mask and helmet"

Fels:" acceptable, that's also the wish of 90% of the other members as well, and as for your identity, we have been falsifying or redacting most of your information due to the nature of shadows needing to be indispensable and unknown"

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