Dunamis Skills and Development Abilities

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Development Abilities

Once one gets a Dunamis, they usually get 2 Development Abilities as a result and get one more Development Ability added to their Dunamis once they level up, these are different from Parameters in the sense that they are characteristics specializing in a certain area as opposed to improving a person's status, these can increase as development abilities are also categorized from I to EX, however, they are much harder to train with a much slower rate of growth, but improve a part of a person's ability at a constant that only gets stronger as time goes by

though each adventurer will get two development abilities when they receive a Dunamis and to further their strength each time they level up they will gain one more with no exceptions (the amount of Development abilities is one number above the person's level such as a level 1 having 2 or a level 2 having 3), some lucky adventurer's possess a Development Ability that account's for many different Development Abilities, so having more than the norm isn't that unthinkable, typically found in royalty or very rare, gifted individuals, as a result, based on what their personalities and fighting styles demand on, some can suit the person in there common practice in fighting, and some are only convenient for certain things, but they are very useful nonetheless and are affected by the path someone is taking ( in cases where an adventurer can get a new, more rare development ability with the attribute of another Development Ability they already have, it often replaces it automatically)

In some cases, they are obvious and predictable to see, werewolves and amazonian's are known to have "Fighter" as they are well known to fight with their fists in combat more often than any other race, humans are known to have "Swordsman" since they are commonly known to use swords as their primary weapons and elves have "Mage" as they rely on magic a lot, and many more, though this isn't always the case, it's only what's commonly seen but can break from the norm from time to time, and there are nearly hundred's of these that are either common or rare, the rare ones are the ones that are treasured and sought after, but very hard to find in someone, such as one that possesses multiple abilities and such so they are usually kept secret as to make sure not to start any commotion in competition to get said person and when dispersing the Development abilities of a person by order of fraudulence by a person with significant proof to back them, by order ot eh guild and the king will they have to reveal their stats to all, though the rank of the Development Abilities are kept secret since all they need is the name of it, not the rank, though the familia's captain will be made aware of rare or unique development abilities at all times to ensure they know who to keep an eye on

The development abilities of an adventurer are useful, but also very valuable as this is not as simple as many would assume, as even with skilled adventurer's who are trained to fight monsters and other adventurer's, it can be the difference between life and death at times as there are many Development Abilities that do a variety of things, with many conditions as well to get certain ones, such as taking a lot of damage from enemy attacks to get a skill such as "Iron Skin" to be able to withstand stronger attack's than what you would be able to handle otherwise or "Regeneration" which increases your healing time with a healing factor that can make injuries such as cuts and bruises heal and broken bones heal within a day, and some of these are very versatile, but some are situation-specific where a specific situation has to happen for the Development Ability to work, either way, playing by strengths is always a plus as some of these situation-specific abilities are forgivable for the most part, like pole arm's man or sword fighter, but even with all the right condition's and action's taked, it's not a guarantee to get them


Similar to development abilities, their are one more than the level you are, so a level 1 should have 2 by default, and from their, one more will be added as an adventurer levels up, these can correct and/or strengthen specific basic abilities, magic, and actions in an adventurer, and while some adventures always get two skills when they are level 1, some of them change over time if they are no longer needed or if they were conditional skills that stop working after a certain point, and get's replaced with a new one, as such, the skill's an adventurer has does not stay the same as time passes and is by that point unreliable in knowing since there is a chance the skill changes to something else (this is why of all the thing's to learn about someone's Dunamis, skills are the last to be looked at carefully since it's not a good idea to know them in the first place), something similar happens with Development Abilities based on certain circumstances, rare skills typically never change most of the time, but common skill's change all the time to either a more effective, higher ranking, or rare skills becoming available to them, and there are some that seem useless in combat, but useful in other ways, like "smithing" to make great weapon's, and "cleaning", that makes cleaning an item or items much easier, sometimes effortless, and while some people get "useless" skills, they are used based on what job they have and how they use their skill doing so, and it's rare, but their are some multi proposed skills that fit many roles, thus making them desired most of all due to there multiple applications and flexability

Similar to development abilities, these have a letter by the side from I to EX, however, unlike development abilities, the letter doesn't change once it's their, so if someone has Swordsman C, this will remain no matter what the person does to improve it, however, some people can get new skills with higher grades that are more pleasing to them, and the letter may not change, but aside from EX, they can increase the effectiveness of the skill in rare cases with a skill better or similar to it with a higher grade, or in very rare cases, just increasing the Base Grade like improving swordsman C to swordsman C+ which is more effective and also stronger, while not as strong as B or higher (in this case) it's still better than C or lower, however, just because someone has a skill doesn't mean they'll be able to always outperform someone without that particular skill, even someone with an EX skill can be outdone if the person they fight is skilled, smart, and driven enough, otherwise, they should be fine against ordinary enemies in the skills particular effects (an example being someone with Swordsman EX being beaten in swordsmanship by someone without it simply by being more skilled, skill's don't make you able to beat anyone in one specific field, they just make you more proficient in it than you were without it) 

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