Ova Ishtar's change

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Ishtar was greedy, self-centered, and cared about nobody but herself, thought the world of herself as the goddess of beauty, and she took the mortal form of the Renard simply because she knew the other goddesses of beauty were choosing more generic races and chose the one most unique to stand out more, and many said it complimented her fox-like nature at times, meant both as a compliment and insult.

she was of outstanding beauty in her own words, as a Renard she choose as her mortal form, she has a large, puffy, and long fox tail and soft, fluffy, and long fox ears, and long, braided hair, which carries a two-toned complexion of purple and blonde, the blonde is seen on the back of her hear, but in the front, on the front of her roots and the inner part of her hair, it is purple, in a braid, the blonde and purple mixed with one another in a swirl, adding to Ishtar's style, this bright hair color od the blonde in contrast to her brown skin, which makes her have an added sense of beauty, yet her ears, tail, and pelt were a different color as they were orange, with white tips on the tail same color on her fur pelt coving her forearms and her legs from her ankle to upper thighs, both her shoulders, including her armpits that connect to the fur on her neck that covered the whole neck but not covering any part of her chest, the sides of their abdomen and her back.

she had a great body, lean, smooth to the touch, and slightly muscular due to regularly exercising to not only not gain weight but honor her title as a goddess of war, with ample breasts at a D cup, and her clothes were basically cloth as she had a lot of her skin exposed, similar to that of Amazonesses, even going barefoot, though she does have other clothes when she has to wear something else.

on occasion, she traveled the world where she could be gone for 1 or 20 years, and on one of her travels, she met a man, a Renard of noble status in the east and had really hit it off with him, for 4 years, they dated and even prepared to marry one another in a year time, this trip had a surprise for her as well other than possibly getting married, a child, she wasn't sure what it was about him, she had slept with plenty of men, but this man seemed special, and at that moment that faithful night after the best date they had yet, her heart fluttered like it hadn't in years, and after such a night, she was pregnant and felt the child grow in her over the months coming, and when she gave birth to her baby girl, her heart melted instantly as she fell in love with the child in an instant, licking her as she accepted the child as hers wholeheartedly.

Ishtar's happiness at her child's birth didn't last long as she had a nightmare, this nightmare had her baby in the hands of people who she hurt in the past, she begged and pleaded for them to leave her alone, to take her instead, and as the knife came down to her child, Ishtar woke up in a cold sweat hyperventilating, eventually, rushed to the medical facility due to suffering from a powerful heart attack, after she recovered, she remembered her life in Oranio and all the thing's she did, fearing that her actions and lifestyle that would drag her daughter down with her, as she never once cared about the consequences of her action, not once since she was always prepared to take whatever anyone would give her, but now that she had her daughter, she had someone she could honestly love unconditionally beyond a shadow of a doubt, and someone she can't afford to have harmed because of her actions.

Ishtar with no other choice had to make a difficult choice, one that took more effort than destroying Mount Ebih, she had to leave her daughter behind to protect her from her action's catching up to her, so after Haruhime was old enough to drink from the bottle instead of needing her breastmilk, Ishtar packed her things in the middle of the night, let a letter explaining she had a bad past and didn't want her family dragged into it, and went to see her daughter off one last time, kissing her forehead as she cried knowing this would be the ls time she sees her for a long time, struggling with all her being to leave her, Her daughter grabbed her mothers hair as she was sleeping and Ishtar had to remove her little hand, struggling with all her might as she used all her strength to do so due to how difficult it was, looking into her eyes as she sang her asleep, then, she could leave, struggling as she walked as if she was drunk.

it took a few weeks, but Ishtar returned to Oranio, though, upon entering her private quarters, she cried a sound of absolute and utter sadness and loss as she left the one thing she loved most of all behind, this cry could be heard for miles.

Ishtar Familia member 1:" what the hell happened on her trip this time"

Ishtar Familia member 2:" don't know, better not to ask though, we can get in trouble"

Ishtar Familia member 1:" I agree"

in her room, Ishtar was sulking and depressed about the abandoning of her daughter, while it was for her own good, Ishtar still felt pain in her chest like no other, she could describe the pain, the complete and utter pain in her chest that made her want to die, even being on fire hurt less than the pain she felt, but then she thought that if she fixed her reputation, she could get her back, so she wiped her tears and then rushed out her room, to the surprise of her guards.

Ishtar:" I'm going out, nobody follow me"

Ishtar Familia Members:" YES GODDESS"

as Ishtar left, she headed to the storage part of her Familia and grabbed all the money she could carry, which, since she know's Ki, is a lot, she went door to door to every Familia she wronged personally and paid them back in full plus interest, this included the Artemis and Athena Familias, as well as the Loki Familia, she avoided the Freya Familia as the 2 never truly crossed paths enough to warrant, but then after she paid back everyone personally, she then grabbed other items from her Familia's storage, made a list of names and headed to the guild, she went to the guild with all the evidence of every crime she and her Familia committed, the names of the one's who committed them, even signing the confession and testifying herself, which would get almost 90% of her Familia arrested, 5 percent to leave, and her remaining Familia in massive debt to pay off, though, because she already paid back many of the Familia's she wronged herself, she was only to pay the guild now.

Ishtar wasn't sure, but she did it, she just about paid back everyone she wronged and owed, though, she knew this wouldn't be enough, so she rebuilt her Familia from the ground up, getting new members in far more legitimate methods, expanding her Familia's business to more than just the red light district, and even had her Familia act as protectors for the city in a similar fashion to Artemis's Familia, eventually, getting peoples respect, though, every year, she would have a poor attempt to make a cake and then go somewhere for about 2 weeks and then come back, nobody knows, but she would be happy coming back.

she changed the clothing she wore, no longer the loose clothing and far more appropriate clothing, she wore a cloak over her normally now with a white bra-like cloth that is outlined with gold and exposes a bit of cleavage along with her lower back and stomach, jeweled black-gold compression shorts with a cloth around it to act like a shirt similar to Tiona's, she also wears a black stocking on her legs that has golden ornaments with both her ankles having golden bracelets, and both her arms have a black and gold glove that covers her forearms, with golden bracelets around her upper-arms, adding a sense of shame and dignity to her, as well as a certain elegance.

she changed a lot, did so much, and yet, nobody could guess why.


in the far east, a certain Renard girl would grow up as her mother left her one day, thinking back to what she thought was her last memory of her, and asking her father, he would not answer the question, though it was her birthday, it felt empty, that is to say there wasn't one saving grace of it, every year, a cake would be I her window, it looked good, but it tasted so bad, officials designate it a terrorist attack, but the message from her mother wishing her happy birthday made the girl happy, she only wished she didn't have to stomach her mothers cooking due to not wanting to waste her mothers love, though the cakes did get better over time, they were still classified as a terrorist attack by officials due to tasting bad, but the girl knew her mother was trying, though she would also get a Dunamis to endure the cooking and still need her stomach pumped for it.

authors notes

in terms of personality, take Fate Ishtar fused with Rin, but in a more considerate, and with haruhime involved, Motherly fashion, and her clothes are a more symmetrical version of Fate Ishtar's clothes as well to hint to this

also, with my version of Ishtar being Haruhimes mother, do you want her to be sent back to heaven, or do you think I should keep her in the story, cause I have Freya attack the Ishtar Familia still there, it just happens under different circumstances

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