Ova: Guild Meeting (subject: Ais Wallenstein)

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in a dark room, no tables, no chairs, only lanterns held by the ones participating in this meeting to show anyone anything, Loki and all of her executives minus Ais for a variety of obvious reasons are in a meeting with a variety of people, some kings and queen's from kingdoms, select gods and goddesses, and even the highest-ranked and most trusted members of the guild, all with one topic in mind, Ais Wallenstein's 58th termination discussion.

Loki:" I just want to say... as the person with her in my Familia, my Familia suffers the most from having her"

Ouranos:" you make that clear on each discussion we have on her termination and while that might be true, we still have innocent civilian's caught in the crossfire, especially with her getting stronger by the day, just the other day, she broke her collar off and killed thousands of civilians before being subdued, and it's likely to happen again in the future"

Bete:" at this point, I don't know why we don't just kill her, everyone in our Familia fears Ais just as much as they would the one eyed black dragon, as well as all of Oranio and other dungeon cities as well, I know in the past people with the avenger Development Ability have contributed to bettering the world, but often times, that comes with almost wiping said world out themselves, so why not kill her, and then upon the news of us finally killing her, enjoy the massive celebration the people of the world will put on"

Athena:" while that certainly would be nice and likely happen, there is just one problem with that plan, the Coffin, a cursed item that feeds off people's want for revenge, while we did locate it and have the means to destroy it now, so long as it's in use, it is near indestructible, and while it's active, Ais will still be alive"

Artemis:" so even if we kill her, she'll just come back 50 years later and we will only delay her killings, not stop them"

Gareth:" then why don't we just kill her and then station people to kill her again after the 50 years, that seems like the most simple solution we've got as of now given the circumstances"

Ouranos:" we already have dozen if not hundreds of other items that need a similar amount of effort to keep in order, I don't want to add another to that list, I'd prefer to solve this problem once and for all... if we can that is"

Finn:" when why not locker up and make sure she can't harm anyone, if we can't kill her, we can restrain her"

Mero:" that won't work, we have documents for Ais dating back to the time of Albert and some reports say when she is captured and contained in such a manner, she just kills herself by biting off her tongue or self-starvation and dehydration to death, so we can't lock her up either as that is no different from killing her since she'll just commit suicide at that point"

Tiona:" here's an idea, why don't we try and make Ais let go of her anger and stop seeking revenge, if we can't kill her normally, we can let her let go of her revenge, and then she'll turn to dust and die, it's happened before with something like this in some stories where those who caught revenge let go of their anger and were brought peace to finally die, can that work"

Athena:" in theory yes, documents of people in a similar position normally only last as long as 100 or 200 years at most if not only last a few days due to the fact that most achieve or let go of their revenge by that time, given that some target people or kingdoms that will eventually fall, these people are released from their revenge soon after being instructed into the Coffins clutches, but this is where we run into a problem with miss  Wallenstein"

Riveria:" she wants to seek revenge on the one eyed black dragon, the most powerful and seemingly unkillable monster in the world, and it doesn't seem like it will likely age to death any time soon either so waiting for it to age to death is not in our favor, even for an elf like me"

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