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Bucky's POV
Me and Steve had woken early this morning, we had decided upon speaking with Riley today. After speaking with one another last night we decided not to wait any longer. We had both been considering adopting her for ages, and then she was kidnapped by Hydra, that made us realises how much we actually felt like we needed her. In my eyes, she is my daughter. I think it is the same for Steve too.

Our conversation last night was slightly hectic, but a good conversation, a long conversation.

"Steve!" I shouted, tiredly. He was fussing about in the bathroom brushing his hair. He was about to get into bed, there was no point in him doing that.

"What?" He shouted back, walking into the main area of out shared bedroom.

"Hurry up, I want to sleep, and I want to cuddle" I said, pouting. Steve gently kissed my lips and got into bed next to me, I leaned my head on his chest. As he interlocked his fingers with my metal ones. Kissing my metal hand gently. He knew I hated my metal arm so to make a point, he would always hold my metal hand and kiss the metal hand. Even if we were walking on the opposite side and went to hold hands he would run to the other side just to hold the metal one. I pretended to be annoyed but loved it.

Steve looked deep in though so I tapped his shoulder gently. "Whatcha thing about?" I asked calmly.

"Children" he said, I gave him a weird look so he continued "that sounded weird, let me elaborate. Having a child. Maybe a daughter" he added.

A smile slowly made its way onto my face "I suppose i have been thinking about that too. After our conversation in the training room that time. I guess I wouldn't mind having a child. I kinda had someone in mind. I guess. someone who could handle us, someone with strength like us, someone who would understand us. Someone who we can also understand" I said, trying to give the hint. When Steve said nothing I whispered "Riley" but at the same time Steve had said exactly the same thing too.

We grinned at one another. "I know you have wanted a kid for a while, and I didn't think I would ever be capable and then Riley came around and I suppose she gravitated towards me instead of away like most people do. I think since I met her, she has been like my daughter" I added, Steve laughed, "hey what are you laughing at?" I asked. My boyfriend grinned.

"I have been thinking the exact same thing, well similar. I think Riley is one of the most mature sixteen year olds i have met, yet still with a fun side. And she is so understanding and on of the best children that we could have. I don't think we would be capable of anyone younger, nor anyone not enhanced. And as you said, we can understand Riley and she can understand us" Steve explained. I nodded.

"We can speak to her tomorrow, i know this is kinda a big decision but I suppose we have been thinking baout it for ages and just never really mentioned it" Steve said, I nodded tiredly.

"Goodnight Steve" I said "thank you" I added.

"Goodnight buck" he responded "and thank you too" within minutes I was asleep. My head against my boyfriends chest. Our fingers interlocked and out limbs intertwined.

I suppose you could argue that there was little to no chaos but to me, My head was the chaotic part. My thoughts were screaming at me that Steve didn't want a child and general doubt was Epping through. But it was all alright after the conversation was over and I had said what I wanted.

I walked outside to the running track with Steve where we had greeted Riley and spoken with her before running. I had tripped over one of Pietro's stupid shoes. For some reason I couldn't spot the second shoe at all but, thats Pietro. I wasn't really paying attention as I had been thinking about when to ask Riley about adopting as me and Steve had spoken again this morning and decided to ask her today.

Once we had disinherited running I noodled over to Steve as a way of asking 'I am going to ask her, is that okay?' Steve nodded back so I took that as my 'yes' nod. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Why is this so difficult. I should have got Steve to ask. He's Captain America, the superhero. He should have asked.

"Riley, we have been thinking about this for a while, and erm, well. We were wondering if you would be okay with us adopting you?" I manage to rush out nervously. Riley seems to freeze. Oh shit. "Obviously, you don't have to and that alright, i really don't mind. Well I suppose i do mind because i asked you. But It is your decision, we would love to have you in our family, erm, well, i guess it is a family, and I wouldn't take it personally" I would take it personally but I don't mind, I understand a that the question is a big question and Riley's previous 'parents' were secretly Hydra and her real parents were killed. Oh shit, again. I shouldn't have asked.

Riley's eyes begin to water and Steve looks at me nervously. "Yeah, I would love to be apart of your family. Thank you. Honestly, you guys have been like fathers" Riley says, smiling no widely. I breathe a sigh of relief.

Steve brings us all in for a hug, grinning. Riley tries to wipe her eyes, but more tears fall, I quickly wipe a tear before it falls, but one just falls out of the other eye. I wipe it away quickly though. "We will have to speak to Tony and get it sorted but we wanted to ask first" Steve explained and Riley nods.

"Hey guys, would you like to play football?" (A/N or soccer for the Americans) Pietro asks, wondering outside looking at the ball between his feet. He looks up and sees me glaring, the colour drains from his face as remorse washes over. "Oh shit you were having a moment or something, I'll go" he says.

"No wait, I would love to play, Bucky you are on my team" Riley says, grinning. "With the metal arm we will do great, especially in goal defence" she adds "nothing personal Steve" she chuckles. I sigh.

"Here i thought you had picked me because I was the favourite" I said, smiling. Riley chuckled and we began to set up goal posts.

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