The Past Chapter 10: I'm Sorry Mind. Pt. 5

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     Somehow, those words that Fire had signed gave Mind just enough strength to move. Yes, he did want a hug from Fire. Ever so slowly, Mind managed to unwrap his arms from his chest, feeling vulnerable for a moment. He did his best to ignore the feeling, because it felt like an endless pit of water that if he slipped into he would never come out of. Instead, he focused on the fact that he had managed to do something. Because that was good. He had been too scared to move, but now he'd managed to. There was hope.

     With Mind's right arm, he reached out to Fire, and Fire clasped his hand around the shadow's. Mind felt a surge of joy, not a spark, but a surge, as his hand met the flaming shadow's. Fire was his refuge right now, and he'd landed on safe shores. With a small tug, Fire pulled Mind to him, leaving Mind barely an inch away from the sun's face.

     Mind took his hand from Fire's and wrapped his arms around the sun's shoulders, careful not to press down on the sun's wings. Fire's flaming hair didn't burn him as he buried his head in it. He felt tears come in full force as they dropped from his eyes and onto Fire, sizzling without sound as they landed. He balled his hands into fists, gripping Fire's coat as he kept sobbing, letting everything out. All the fear he felt, and the anger at Cold. Because, as much as he was terrified and confused as to what happened, he was also mad.

     With hazy thought's Mind felt Fire rest his clawed hands on the shadow's shoulder blades. Gentle, so as to let Mind know that he wasn't trapped. Maybe Fire had somehow picked up on what had happened, or maybe he knew that holding Mind tightly wasn't a good idea right now. Either way, the blue-shadow was grateful.

     Mind sobbed and he sobbed, vaguely aware of Fire mumbling reassuring thoughts into his head. But he didn't comment or reply. He was silent without judgment, and that was one of the best gifts that Fire could give him right now. Mind almost smiled because of it, but he just wasn't in the mood to show joy. Just less sadness. That was the most he could muster right now, and he was okay with that.

     They stayed like that for a while, Fire gently holding Mind, and Mind just letting all of his feelings out, whether or not he understood them. It was oddly peaceful, with all of the silence surrounding them. Mind enjoyed it, how he couldn't hear anything. It was always a weird sensation, but this was the first time he could describe it as actually pleasant, instead of mildly annoying or just a thing.

     After a long, long time, Mind finally felt his tears begin to slow. He sniffed, and pulled slightly back, just enough to rub his eyes. The view that had been too blurry to understand just a moment before, became clearer. The expanse of sky spread out in front of him. All the stars grouped together, gleaming like someone had spilled sparkly milk all over a jet black sheet. There were even groups of the flaming bodies of light that weren't just white, but all of the colors of a beam from a prism, and then some.

     However, Mind realized something. Something that he perhaps should have expected. That the most beautiful sight in front of him was not the starry sky, but rather the sun. Specifically, Fire. With his flaming hair billowing around him, speckled with colors of fire from green, to purple, to an almost golden yellow. With his kind white eyes that Mind felt like he could fall into and be lost forever, and not mind in the slightest.

     It felt like Mind's heart skipped a beat as he realized something. He realized, as he gazed at Fire, that he wanted to kiss the sun. Mind wanted to kiss fire. Which may have been strange considering what had just happened with Cold, but it was true. That was what he wanted to do. I want to ask him to kiss me, Mind realized, shocked.

     Fire? Mind asked, without thinking. The sun in question looked up in acknowledgement, making Mind want to kick himself. What was he doing? Was he really about to ask Fire to kiss him, knowing everything that had happened with Cold. What if Fire was the same? But he's not, Mind admitted to himself. He knew that to be as true as Dark was organized. He really trusted Fire to not take advantage of him, to not break his heart. Okay, Mind thought to himself, I'm doing this.

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