The Future Chapter 19: Sunrise Pt. 4

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Six days later

They were both gone now. One followed the other. Bel had a feeling that happened a lot. Just a few days. He couldn't really see the ground in front of him. It was blurry with water. He didn't know what to feel. He was numb. And he imagined that his situation was a little bit unique. At least he already wore a lot of black.

Were they out there somewhere, again? As someone or something different. Bel kind of hoped so. But that hurt too. In a different way. The feeling that he and Jamie were just completely forgotten. Not completely, maybe, but still forgotten. Someone sat down in the chair next to him. Bel spared a glance and saw pink and blue hair. "I'm sorry," Payne whispered.

With a glance next to him, Bel saw Jamie. Just as broken as he was. "Me too," he added. "Me too."

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