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     So that was..... wonderful.

Carrying on.


She knew that she'd used her superspeed to get Butch and her father out safely and to the streets. 

She knew that she had broken into a pharmacy for supplies her father could use to patch Butch up-- and just in time too.

She knew that he was breathing and in front of her now alive.

But she didn't feel like it was real or like she was there at all. She felt utterly violated by the monsters, and didn't know how to even look at either of the men by her side now in the alley.

Because she had failed them.

''Snap out of it, Butters,'' Butch finally snapped angrily at her.

His tone surprised the Professor as much as it did Buttercup. He sounded absolutely furious.

''It. wasn't. you.'' he gripped her shoulders, despite wincing from the pain of his movements, ''Get yourself together long enough for us to get to your sisters, because that's where they're probably going next. We'll all be stronger together than apart when we're fighting.''

She looked at him, his eyes were soft and full of love somehow still.

''And then,'' Butch added more quietly, as if just for her to hear. ''You can fall apart, you can scream and wreck shit-- but with me by your side and after we get through this. Okay?"

She sniffled, and then nodded her head. She'd never been more glad that he understood her so perfectly and knew her mind so so well.

She leaned her forehead against his, staying sitting on her knees next to her father and him in the small alleyway they'd hid in. She exhaled, ''Thank you Butch. For so much more than I can say.''

He cupped her face and then gave her his classic Butch-smirk. ''I know, Butterbabe.''

He leaned in and kissed her right there.

Even though her father was there.

Even though her hands were still stained with his blood.

Even though she hadn't been strong enough to save them.

He still wanted her. And that was what made her feel just the tiniest bit brave again.


Bubbles had forgotten how good flying with their super powers was. 

For so long she'd held to the rule of not using their super powers, that she'd forgotten how much she loved this part.

Being higher and away from the ground, she could go as fast as she wanted and no one could stop her. She could do loops in the air until she got that dropping fluttery feeling in her stomach she hadn't had in years.

Gosh, she loved that feeling.

She could see birds as she passed them and she could feel so much wind she felt only alive for the whole trip. It meant she couldn't stop smiling the whole time she flew.

She didn't even notice Boomer staring at her with a soft look on his face the whole time.

She almost didn't want it to end. But she knew it'd end once they got back to Townsville, because she needed to find her sisters.

Her sisters didn't know everything she'd been up to over the years, some of the things she'd uncovered and she could only hope that if the monsters had caught up to them... that she wasn't too late.


Brick insisted that they stay where they were, and simply wait. He'd gotten ahold of Boomer and assured Blossom that he was on his way with Bubbles, that they were both okay.

They hadn't been able to get ahold of Butch at all though.

And it was worrying both of them, Blossom sat and chewed her nails as she eyed the clock while Brick paced and avoided looking at the clock.

An urgent knocking on the door to Dracy's hideout had them both springing up and looking to each other with alarmed expressions.

Brick had given details to Boomer to go to the bar and ask for Dracy and tell her which brother he was before she lead him to where Brick and Blossom were hiding.

''Open up Scarlet, I ain't got all night for this shit,'' Dracy complained.

They swung the door open and let her in, followed closely by Boomer and Bubbles who were holding hands until the two sisters saw each other.

Then Bubbles let go of Boomer's hand and threw herself at her sister like she hadn't done in years, both arms around her neck and squeezing the life out of her with love.

''You're safe,'' Bubbles exclaimed, relieved, at the same time Blossom said: ''You're alive!"

The boys settled for a fist bump and then quietly watched the sisters reunite, this time without an pretenses or lies keeping them further apart.


So.... if someone had to die.... who would you guys want it to be??

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