Ch. 23

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It's interesting to hear theories from you guys, and I actually enjoy it :)

I know a lot of you are probably surprised at how darker this fanfic is compared to my other ones. I usually do lighthearted, family like ones.

Well....not this one.

*BUT no spoils!! *

THANK YOU sukko78

and NataliaRavenX


The city's streets were dark and slick from where it'd rained only moments ago. It would probably start up again soon. The dark clouds hid any light from the moon and stars, casting a shadow everywhere. The streets were silent and empty on this part of town- everyone too scared to come out. Except for a single figure, walking along the sidewalk. Their footsteps the only sound, echoing around.

The black clothes and hoodie hid her face well.

But they didn't block the sights out from her eyes. She'd walked this road alone in the cold rain before, hiding behind dumpsters and in doorways for shelter. And only as a twelve year old girl. She forced herself to focus on the ground by her feet. Every time she looked up, she could see a younger version of herself where ever she looked at.

Staring right at her with cold, lifeless eyes.

She shivered despite not feeling cold at all.

Across the street she saw the building she was looking for. Old, and worn down. She'd called them because she'd had to, she hadn't known what to do about the RRB showing interest in their faked deaths. Now she realized she was in an even bigger spiderweb.

What was worse, was seeing Brick worry about her. Seeing him come closer to her. Realizing she didn't want to leave him. But she'd left everyone else she loved, she had to be able to leave someone that she'd come to see as a companion. But would he let her go this time?

She couldn't let them die because of her though, she had to do the same thing she'd been doing for years now. She had to walk alone. At least for now.

Inside the small space, she saw a tiny mattress shoved in a corner with a single blanket thrown over it. Across the room was a packed backpack- ready to leave at any moment.

This must be her third or fourth place in the past few weeks, the girl in the hoodie thought as she looked around. Pushing her hood back she let her red hair free from it's hair tie. She didn't have to wait long for someone to show up- just who she was looking for too.

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