Ch. 8

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This chapter is dedicated to amanda1132456

and jwaters419

Boomubbles anyone?

No? Just me?'re still getting it so....

Hope ya like it~

(For those of you that ask, No- I am not a shipping demon. I'm a dedicated shipper, get it right ;) HEHEHE)


While the reds had their issues goin' on, Boomer was still against the idea of the PPGs still being alive. It wasn't that he didn't want them to be, but he didn't want to get his hopes up that sweet little Bubbles was still out there... and here he was with a girl that infuriated him, yet reminded him of her too much at the same time.

Though Bubbles was never this, whatever you call it, he thought while eyeing the blonde girl who stood in front of him. She looked like what he imagined an older version of Bubbles to be, but so on guard and argumentative.

He couldn't even complement her! She kept taking everything the wrong way!

If this was what a date was like, he wanted to bury himself alive before he ever had the idea to go on one.

''So what? You think blondes are ditzy when drunk?''

''No! That is not-'' Boomer pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on,''I was merely stating that you probably shouldn't drink too much so quickly.''

''My friend Betty is over there downing it like waterfall,'' Lily said, pointing to the black haired woman doing just that while Butch watched with a look only to be described as horror. ''I can handle a couple glasses thank you very much,'' she huffed.

''You don't look like the kind of girl that should be drinking in the first place,'' he muttered, partially hoping she wouldn't hear.

But it was clear she did when her eyes turned darker, ''What kind of girl do I look like to you then?'' She asked, crossing her arms as she stepped closer to him. Though she was a good deal shorter than him, she was still very close as she challenged him with her eyes.

Boomer could feel the heat in his face, and couldn't look away from her- she was too mesmerizing with her baby blue eyes and even her facial expressions. ''I- erm, well you weren't supposed to hear that...''

''Didn't think so,'' Lily said, turning away to walk off. As she did her blonde hair whipped his face, and the RowdyRuff could only stand there as he watched her walk away with a dreamy look in his eye.

Maybe a date with her wouldn't be so bad....


Sorry it's short, but more will be out soon



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