Ch. 4

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Eek, this story has like just started, and has so many reads and votes already.... Thank you guys!!

This chapter is dedicated to Saschy123

and BonBonBunny01

Thank you guys for all your help and support!! <3


~The Boys' POV~

''Well, she and her sister trashed this room,'' Butch muttered, plopping down on the sofa, as it was the only place void of any papers or trash. At least the rest of the house had been cleaned spotless...

''The sister looked a lot like a certain someone,'' Brick said, watching Butch to see if he caught on. Only getting a mere shrug in response, Brick came to the conclusion he was the only one who had suspicions of their maid and her sister.

''You're both idiots,'' he growled, stalking towards the window to see Rose talking with her sister on a motorcycle.

''Who are you calling an idiot?" Boomer snapped,''You think the Puffs are still alive, I on the other hand, know for a fact that if Bubbles had been on her own- she wouldn't last two minutes. Much less years!"

''They're the PowerPuff Girls! If there had been a need to - they would've done anything to protect the city. Including disappearing,'' Brick didn't even spare his brothers a glance, he was too busy watching the red haired girl.

''SHUT IT YOU TWO,'' Butch demanded, putting a pillow over his head,''I don't care about the red head, but that other chick was too much like Buttercup- so I'll pay attention to that one. Do whatever else you guys want.''

Brick's head jerked over to them,''That's a good idea, Boomer's just mourning the idea that Bubbles is actually gone.'' He titled his head just a little, to avoid the lasers that were shot at him,''I'll keep an eye on Rose, don't you guys think it was a little bit of a coincidence that they were specifically looking through all the things to do with The PowerPuff Girls?"

He turned his attention back to the window, ignoring the jaw-dropping looks of Butch and Boomer.

Rose turned and happened to look up at him, pink eyes meeting red ones.

There's no doubt about it, she's my Blossom, Brick thought, What changed though? She'd never leave this city, and she clearly doesn't care about rule breaking anymore...


Betty popped her last piece of pink bubble gum into her mouth, running up the stairs to her apartment door she noticed that the neighbor next door had moved out already, leaving the room vacant.

''Rose's stupid job, stupid mansion, stupid Butch and Ruffs,'' she grumbled, kicking an empty box in her floor that she had forgotten to pick up earlier that morning.

With a sigh she plopped down on the worn out brown sofa in the living room, things were dangerous in the city- but they were getting worse lately. The girls all knew about it, but never really had the opportunity to discuss it.

''This is gonna get bad,'' the raven haired girl murmured to herself, watching the black figures in the street below,''We have to get Bubbles here soon... it'll be better with all of us.''

She immediately shook her head and crossed her arms,''Even Blossom can see that.''

Closing the curtains and double checking that every entrance into her apartment was locked, Betty still didn't feel safe and slept with a small knife tucked in between the mattress and and bed frame.

''Good girls are gone,'' she murmured to herself, before falling asleep.


Okay, so Bubbles is still being hinted at but not introduced yet- remember this is still the beginning, so she's coming soon.

Along with sweet Boomer- but he's a little....grouchy and upset right now...

WHAT??!! Brick knows Blossom is Rose??!! - He's not an idiot after all... \00/

And yes, Butchercup is on the way peoples...

I hope you guys liked it, PLEASE:



and let me know what you think!!

:) Have a lovely day!!~ LanonaWalker

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