Ch. 5

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I'M BACK PEOPLES!!!! <3<3<3

Time to start writing and updating every week again... Did ya miss me?

As promised,

SHIPPING TIME!! (not UPS shipping, weirdos)  ;)

Also, this chapter is dedicated to daintylittlegal

and StellaAriel3322

Thanks for all your support and help!!!! <3<3<3 You guys are so sweet!!

Get your tubs of ice cream and tissues- and please remember to not hate the author... (no, that is not foreshadowing, or is it...?)

Love ya guys!


~Rose POV~

Rose exhaled calmly through her nose, taking deep breaths before preparing to open the door. She knew very well what was on the other side, waiting for her.

The RowdyRuff Boys had decided to fire all the maids except for her, meaning she did everything- and worked overtime too. While she refused to complain, she was aware she couldn't keep doing this by herself. And she planned to talk her bosses about it, just.... after she finished the twenty-seven chores they gave her to keep busy with.

As the red haired maid carefully opened the door to the study, she braced herself for the mess that awaited her- only to find the room exactly how she had left it.

Cocking an eyebrow in surprise, she looked over to the three brothers playing a game of poker at the table in the center of the lounging area. Brick and Butch glaring daggers at Boomer, who appeared to be winning with a bored expression on his face.

''Lunch is ready,'' Rose said, glancing at them suspiciously as she set the plates of food on the coffee table.

All three of their heads shot up, their eyes instantly locking on the food. Within 0.5 seconds Butch and Boomer were standing over their plates in a protective manner, which only made Rose roll her eyes at them.

Brick glanced at her on his way over, and continued to watch her the entire time he ate- which she completely ignored.

Boomer and Butch slowed down their chewing to glance back and forth between the two, but Rose just looked distantly around the room, not giving them any of her attention.

Boomer opened his mouth to say something, but Butch elbowed him in the ribs hard. With Boomer doubled over and gasping for breath, a loud ringing started up.

Rose pulled out her old black flip phone from her pocket to answer it, trying to step out of the room- only to be stopped by the three boys blocking her way.

''Go ahead and answer it, we won't be a bother,'' Brick said nonchalantly, crossing his arms as he watched her. Blossom took this as a challenge, but refused to ignore the call any longer.

''Hello?" She said, listening intently for the speaker to say something.

''Sup Rose,'' a sarcastic voice said in her ear.

It was hard to hide the surprise on her face, but her expression turned cold quickly,''You should know better than to call me.''

''What? I can't say hi to my old sis?" Betty grumbled, and Rose could practically feel the glare she was probably giving the wall. 

''You shouldn't, and you know that very well Betty,'' Rose glanced at the RowdyRuffs- who had the decency to pretend to not be listening to her conversation. ''Why are you calling me? Emergency or not, I don't care,'' she hissed, trying to get her point across.

''I know! Okay? I was there when all three of us made the deal- we solve our problems on our own, no going to each other for help-''

Rose cut her off,''Don't go just saying that over the phone!"

''She's coming back.''

The red haired maid froze, forgetting to breathe for a moment. ''I'll see you soon,'' she said before promptly hanging up.

''That...was an interesting phone call,'' Butch raised an eyebrow.

''Heh, well you know sisters....'' Rose mumbled, thoughts elsewhere,''Anyways, I meant to talk to you about my job...There's too much work for me to be doing by myself...'' she said carefully, watching their reactions.

Brick blinked,''That's true, why didn't you say something sooner?" He said over his shoulder as he and his brothers left the room right before she could say anything.

''Oh you know, chores and sisters that coming back from the dead and all...'' She muttered to herself as she cleaned the plates from the table.

''Oh, Rose!'' Butch said, coming back in the room,''We're having a party tomorrow night, and want to invite you and your hot- I mean nice, sister.''

She paused, running through the dangers and options in her head,''That would be nice, thank you.'' She nodded her head.


(00) Don't worry, more is coming!

There'll be quite a few updates this week!! :)

P.S. Once I get farther in the story, I'll be starting my next Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic :)

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