Ch. 24

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I know I've been making you guys cry recently, but hopefully this helps: I made myself cry too.

Thank you judykong2

and sydparis


Butch saw her leave. He hadn't followed her though, he knew she would probably recognize someone following her. Or she'd just be paranoid about it in general. So he just went out, pretending like he was going to find Buttercup somewhere. He'd done it many times, going out at night, looking for her and never finding her. She'd probably never stayed in the city like Blossom did, so it was rather pointless.

But she was his counterpart, his perfect other half that would be the only one to put up with him or understand him- besides his brothers.

When the redhead came in view she was leaving a old building on an abandoned street. And she wasn't alone.

While Blossom put a hoodie on to hide her hair, Buttercup didn't bother to hide- her eyes glinting in the darkness. Butch rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

They walked across the street and spoke in low voices. Too low for even him to hear, meaning he'd have to come closer to hear them.

''So what are you gonna do about Bubbs?" Buttercup put her hands in her pockets, as she watched her sister.

''I agreed to help Brick find you guys,'' Blossom looked away from her, observing the old building they just came from,''I'll try to find her as best I can. But she won't come out for you or me...''

''Yeah,'' Buttercup sighed, also looking at the same building,''I guess we each blamed ourselves for something that night. And dealt with it differently too.''

It was silent for a moment.

''So am I supposed to keep quiet about this little late night meeting?" Butch couldn't help the words bursting out of his mouth. Revealing his position.

Both girls swung around and punched him at the exact same time. One in the stomach and one in the face.

''Geez! It's me!'' He shouted, hunched over on the ground.

Both sisters froze and exchanged sheepish grins. ''Sorry Butch, we're not used to people doing that.''

''That's rather surprising,'' he grunted, looking up at them.

Buttercup snorted, crossing her arms and giving him a dirty look. ''Blossom actually found me by accident, and did her part of the deal with you three. Believe it or not, but we did come to an agreement- so there's nothing for you to tell your brothers.''

''You sound rather defensive Butters,'' Butch remarked, standing back up.

''Don't call me a nickname after butter!''

''Why cause you're not soft?''

The dark haired sister grit her teeth at him,''I'm tougher than you, and that's why you feel that need to insult me.'' She flipped her hair in exaggeration.

Blossom just shook her head at the two, deciding to step in,''I will tell Brick in the morning about this, but I can only talk her into so much. So... good luck.''

''What?" Both Butch and Buttercup swung their heads toward her in confusion.

But she was gone, leaving Butch to talk to her sister.


I know, and I'm very sorry, that this chapter was short!!

But I am very tired, and will try to get another *longer* chapter out to you guys over the next few days!

Please do keep in mind: 

1. I have a life

and 2. I am also writing and revising a scifi novel (that I plan to selfpublish this year, along with a collection of my poems) while I update these fanfictions for you guys.

Thank you for all your support, sweet comments, and votes though! It means a lot! <3<3<3

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