Ch. 22

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I didn't actually plan to do a scene for Buttercup for awhile, so that last chapter caught me by surprise. 

So as usual, no hints of what you'll find in this chapter- but I hope you like it!

Thank you HappyGirl5000

and LonelyPuffWriter


~With the Ruffs~

''Well boys, I don't know what to say but that-'' HIM started.

''Then don't open your trap,'' Mojo grunted.

''Excuse me, I'm here to help them!''

''I can help them better than you!''

''They'd rather me, over you!''

'' long is this visit? because we're rather busy y'know...'' Butch cut in, pretending to check his watch.

''Of course,'' HIM smiled,''But I-''

''We,'' Mojo cut in.

''We,'' HIM growled,''wanted to help with your...project. Any way that we could.''

''Project?" Brick asked from his seat on the opposite couch, his arms folded as he watched his fellow villains with blank eyes.

''Your researching into what actually happened to the PowerPuff Girls,'' Mojo said,''It's been a few years...we thought you could use a fresh set of eyes and such.''

''Uh,'' Boomer stood up abruptly,''I don't think...''

''Boomer means that it's been years...'' Brick started, swallowing thickly thinking of what to say to get them out of his house. ''And we would rather not waste someone else's day with all of it.''

''Besides, it'd require you being here more- which we couldn't ask you to do,'' Butch said with a smile,''We do live rather far from either of you.''

For a reason, all three Ruffs added in their thoughts.

''You there!'' HIM called out, looking at something behind the boys.

''Yes?'' A certain tentative red head asked, stepping into the living room. Avoiding Brick's gaze.

''I'm these boys' father, I taught them villainy from a young age. I am HIM,'' the red lobster said as if declaring his title was a normal way to introduce himself,''And you are?''

''I'm...the maid...'' Rose said after a moment of hesitation, glancing at Brick.

''I am the boys' true father!'' Mojo said, pushing HIM out of the way,''He just brought them back after they died.''

''Which meant they were mine, and your original ones died!''

''Lobster head!''

''Monkey head!''

''I am a monkey!''

''And I'm a lobster, you idiot!''

''Rose, why don't you-'' Brick started, trying to signal his brothers. But they were busy taking bets on Mojo and HIM.

''Um, Mr. Mojo and HIM...'' Rose stepped forward,''I'm afraid my bosses' schedules are rather full today and they need to leave rather soon. Perhaps you could come back on a more convenient day?''

''Oh,'' both villains paused, staring at her.


''So...where does this leave us now?" Butch asked.

''Well, now we have Mojo and HIM wanting to help look into the PPG's 'disappearances' to get closer to us,'' Boomer listed on his fingers,''Blossom agreed to help us find her sisters- but she doesn't know where to possibly look. Bubbles and Buttercup most likely got 'warnings' too and skipped town. And we have no way of knowing if anything happens to them... I think that covers it all at the moment.''

''Sounds about right,'' Brick rubbed his temples.

''Well for now those two idiots are gone, and there are certain places that the girls could have been at,'' Blossom said as she sat down next to her red haired counterpart.

Boomer snorted,''Right, I think Bubbles is gonna be at the stuffed animal store like she used to.''

She frowned,''How do you know about that?"

Boomer threw a soda can across the room, not even bothering to look at her,''We were close before you all decided to fake your deaths.''

''There was more to it than that-''

''Yeah, we all get that,'' Boomer snapped,''But it's not like we'll ever know, now is it?"

Brick leaned towards the girl slightly, offering support. But he did agree with his brother, he wanted to know why Blossom had done the things she had. Why she had probably resorted to committing crimes to stay alive. His fingers brushed hers, taking her hand in his.

After a few silent moments, she finally leaned against him. ''We were kids, superheroes who couldn't even save themselves.''

It was like she was repeating something echoing in her head. Like she could see something they couldn't.

Boomer leaned forward,''But you're not now. You're not kids anymore that have to save everyone in the city all the time.''

''You can save yourself this time,'' Brick finished, looking at the pink eyed girl next to him.

''It all happened in one night, I woke up before the girls... an hour after midnight. When I should've still been asleep- and it was my fault. But it wasn't at the same time...''

''That makes no sense...'' Butch began, before Boomer and Brick both shot lasers at him to shut him up.

She shook her head,''How about this? I'll tell you the rest, when Buttercup and Bubbles are here to.''

''I've waited this long,'' Boomer muttered to himself. But both his brothers agreed.

''Bubbles will try to leave,'' Blossom stood up, leaving Brick by himself,''If she hasn't already that is.''

''Where would she go?" Brick frowned.

''Wrong question,'' Blossom faced all three Ruffs,''It's whether she makes it there or not.''

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