Ch. 13

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I'm back to my updates!

Sorry, I had a lot of stuff going on....

BUT I'M BACK NOW!!! (again)

This chapter is dedicated to Carly_Cake

and starinblack1


I LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3<3<3


Brick ran two hands through his hair in frustration, he didn't even care if he pulled some out- which he was sure he did. They'd tried to follow the girls to their homes, but ended up losing all three of them. They were clearly paranoid about people following them, and liked to take harder ways to wherever they stayed at- which was no doubt separate places.

Boomer stood slumped against the brick wall of a building in the alley, his mood hadn't been very uplifting since his chat with Lily. He was getting to know her as the new version of Bubbles, but then.... she didn't even claim that name. The name she used to love and giggle about when they were younger. It didn't make any sense in the least to him.

Butch however, was the only one in a good mood- he was just happy he'd recognized Buttercup as Liana.

''We just need proof of who they are, other wise they'll just keep us going around in circles,'' Boomer said, staring at a spot on the ground like it held all the answers he needed.

Butch and Brick glanced up, over the past years their brother hadn't really wanted to participate in much- he was more of a shadow standing there with them, but didn't care about stuff anymore. But from his words, he was ready to believe the PowerPuff Girls were alive.

''It's not like we didn't try to follow them home or anything,'' Brick muttered angrily, kicking at a stone.

''So following them didn't work, confronting didn't work, what else have we not tried yet?" Butch asked, as if he expected one of them to randomly come up with a fail-proof idea. Which had never been any of their strongest suits.

''We need to pick one, and follow them- then do a different one, and so on,'' Boomer voiced his thoughts,''They don't seem to be that close anymore... I doubt that they know where each other is staying.''

''Rose showed up first, so we'll start with her,'' Brick announced quickly, not leaving room for arguments.

''If they're not heroes anymore, I wonder what they'll do if we piss them off...'' Butch muttered, thinking back to Liana's defensive behavior.

''They're still the PowerPuff Girls, it's not like they'll murder us,'' Brick rolled his eyes.


The red haired girl paused, she was about to move from her spot in a dark alley way- but decided to wait a few more moments. She could never be too careful.

She wasn't sure Liana and Lily thought the same though.

Add another thing to worry about, she thought before shoving the thought away. The girls had each decided to split up a long time ago, they were each still on their own- and they could only worry about themselves.

A small buzzing sound drifted to her ears, making Rose remember where she was. Glancing at her phone, she saw that she'd received a text message from a number she didn't recognize.

Heads up


Stuffing it back in her pocket quickly, the red haired girl left her hiding spot and headed to her apartment as quickly as she could. She'd learned by now that when she was given a warning- she took it seriously.

After all, it usually ended with someone's life on the line.


I know I ended it in a kind of cliff hanger (and I'm sorry about that)

but I was pumping out this chapter quickly to give more to you guys.

So, I'm sorry it was short!!

But in the mean time I'm working on this and The Fastest Girl

(and other writing stuff)

A few of you already know, as I told you in advance,

But I have another PPG X RRB fanfiction THAT I WILL DO WHEN THIS ONE IS OVER (or nearly over).

I'll give more details later...

SORRY that the news was delayed as well, I wanted to get a little farther into this fanfic before telling y'all.



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